【E-cubed】006 I'm going to kick b
跟着Coach Shane老师学英语,先从E-Cubed(Daily Easy English Expression)开始,坚持学习记录,字幕整理,有错误望指正~
XXXX, it is the weekend. What are you doing? Are you just relaxing at home? Are you doing nothing? Are you kicking back? That is today's expression. I'm going to kick back. I'm going to kick back, that means you are going to sit in a chair, and kick your legs out, oh I'm gonna fall. My legs are out, and kick back, kick and lay back, I'm gonna kick forward and lay back, I'm going to relax, I'm going to kick back. Great expression, but Americans do not say I'm going to, of course, we can, It's prefect pronunciation, but usually we say something else, I'm going to, not coming.
I'm gonna, the sounds becareful, I'm gonna, some people say that. Usually I'm gonna, I'm gonna. And sometimes we say (Ahm menuh)(发音). I'm gonna kick back. I'm gonna kick back.I'm going to kick back. I'm going to kick back.I'm gonna kick back. And actually there is one more. We don't close the mouth, really some say that. But this two you need to know, you need to know this expression, this pronunciation.I'm gonna go to the movies, I'm gonna go to a restaurant, I'm gonna visit my sisiter, I'm gonna read a book, I'm gonna watch TV,What about you? Listen to the conversation.
A: You wanna go do something?
B: No~ I'm gonna kick back.
A: You're so lazy!
B: Hey! I had a long week.
That's right, if you had a long week, you can kick back. Me? Yeah, I'm gonna kick back this weekend.
1、I'm going to kick back. 我打算休息。
3、we say somethig else.写错了