
公园英语,are you happy2

2018-06-27  本文已影响0人  进击的母亲

Hello everybody!小鹿又来说英语啦。



Be careful.小心些。

Don't go too fast.别走太快了。

Let's move a little bit slowlier.走慢些。

Watch your steps,there is some water on the ground.小心脚下,地上有水。

The ground is slippery after a rain.雨后地上滑。

Let me hold your hand.我牵着你的手吧。

Let's walk together.我们一起散步吧。

Walking is good for your health.多走路有益健康。

Mom will be proud of you if you can go to the park yourself.你如果能自己走去公园,妈妈会为你感到骄傲的。

I know it is comfortable to sit in a stroller,but why not try to walk a little.That may be of more fun.我知道坐伞车比较舒服,但为什么不试试走走路呢,这样也许会更有意思。

Exploring the world may be funnier than just go sightseeing.探索世界也许比游览更有意思。

It's interesting to know the world with the guide of your own feet.在自己的脚的带领下认识世界会更有趣哦。

Don't worry,just go ahead.Mom will watch your back.别担心,向前走吧,妈妈会在背后看着你。


Pass me the ball,please.请把球丢给我。

Try to kick the ball like this.试着这样踢球。

You can throw the ball like this.你可以像这样抛球。

Oh,you missed the ball.Go and get the ball back please.你没接到球啊,去把球捡回来吧。

We can also roll the ball like this.我们还能像这样滚球玩。

Run after the ball.去追球吧。

This is a basketball.这是篮球。

The uncles over there are playing basketball.那边的叔叔们在打篮球。

Don't go too close,they may bump into you.别靠太近,他们可能会撞到你的。

We can play basketball as well when you grow up.你长大后我们也可以打篮球。


Let's share your ball with Jack.我们和Jack一起玩球吧。

Shall we share the ball with Jack?我们和Jack一起玩球好吗?

It seems that Jack is interested in joining us,why not play with him.Jack看起来很想跟我们一起玩,我们和他一起玩吧。

Oh,we forget to bring our ball today,let's see if Jack is willing to share his ball with us.我们今天忘记带球了呢,看看Jack愿意不愿意跟我们一起玩球吧。

Jack,can we join you?Jack,我们一起玩好吗?

Jack,can we play the ball together?Jack,我们可以一起玩球吗?


If you don't want to share,just feel free to say no.如果你不想分享,直接说不就可以。

It seems that Jack don't prefer to play alone today,let's go and find something else to play.看起来Jack今天希望自己玩,我们去找其他东西玩吧。

关于玩球的单词有:球(ball),篮球(basketball),足球(football),排球(volleyball),篮球场(basketball court),足球场(football field),排球场(volleyball court),踢(kick),滚(roll),丢(throw,pass),拍球(tap/bounce the ball)



Do you want to swing?你想荡秋千吗?

Let me fasten the seatbelt for you.让我帮你系好安全带。

Fasten the seatbelt first.首先系好安全带。

Mom will push you from behind.妈妈会在后面推你。

Want to fly higher?想荡高点吗?

Are you excited about it?你对这感到兴奋吗?

Look how excited you are.看你多兴奋。

It seems that you like to swing very much.似乎你很喜欢荡秋千呢。

Hold on baby.Mom will push harder.抓紧,妈妈要用力推了哦。

OK,time's up.好了,时间到了。

Let me help you to get off the swing.我帮你下秋千。


Let's go down the slide together.我们一起去滑滑梯吧。

Be careful,that little boy is sliding down.小心,那个小男孩正在往下滑。

You'd better climb up the slide from the stairs.你最好从楼梯那头上滑梯。

Don't climb up the slide,it's slippery and dangerous.别爬滑梯,这又滑又危险。

Want to slide down again?想再滑一次吗?


We should wait in a line to swing.我们得排队荡秋千。

Let's line up and wait for our turn.我们排队等。

It's our turn now,let's go and play.轮到我们了,我们去玩吧。

Time is up.Let's get off and find something else to play.时间到了,我们下来找其他东西玩吧。

Once you slide down the slide,you should go to the back of the slide and wait for your turn again.你从滑梯上滑下来后得到滑梯后面排队再玩。

We cannot occupy the swing too long.我们不能霸占秋千太久哦。

Other kids are waiting to play.其他小朋友在等呢。



