
2019-08-27  本文已影响0人  Tina_f54d
Day 6 Chapter 3 Words inconsequential adj. 不重要的, 无足轻重的, 不值得考虑的 And while these small self-control exercises may seem inconsequential, they appear to improve the willpower challenges we care about most. eg: Your objections are inconsequential and may be disregarded. 你的反对意见并不重要, 不会受到重视。 regime  n 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制 Researchers have put this idea to the test with willpower-training regimes. eg: So there needs to be tougher regulatory regime, in particular for investment banks." 所以需要加强监管制度,尤其是对投资银行。 mainline v 静脉注射[打针] In a long run , though, mainlining sugar is not a good strategy for self-control. eg: Mariella mainlines cocaine five to seven times a day. fast vi. 禁食,斋戒       n. 斋戒;绝食 People are more willing to "diversify their mating strategies" (evolutionary psychologist-speak for cheating on their partner ) after a fast. eg: This is called fasting. People with diabetes can become sick when they fast. 这就叫做禁食。糖尿病患者在禁食期间可能会生病。 vestige n 遗迹;残余;退化的器官 What appears in our modern world ad a loss of control may actually be a vestige of the brain's instinct for strategic risk-taking . eg: Many Islamists are deeply suspicious of the court, which they say is being a vestige of the old regime of Hosni Mubarak. 众多伊斯兰教信徒对法院深表怀疑,并称法院是胡斯尼·穆巴拉克时期的残余。 Good sentences Researchers have found that slef-control is highest in the morning and steadily deteriorates over the course of the day. 所以要养成良好的作息习惯呀,早睡早起是有科学依据的。 When you're trying to make a big change or transform an old habbit, look for a small way to practice self-control that strengthens your willpower, but doesn't overwhelm it complrtely. 凡事要循序渐进,一步一个脚印,毕竟罗马也不是一天建成的。而且在培养自控力时,不可急于求成,要注意把握好一个度。 For any of these willpower-training exercises, you could choose something related to your mainwillpower challenge. For example, if your goal is to save money, you might keep track of what you spend. If your goal is to exercisr more often, you might decide to do ten sit-ups or push-ups before your morning shower. But even if you don't match this experiment to your biggest goals, the muscle model of self-control suggests that exercising your willpower each day, even in silly or simple ways, will build strength for all your willpower challenges. 作者给出了在日常生活中如何训练自我自控力的方法,真的非常实用呀,用起来。而且水滴石穿,相信自己只要持之以恒的坚持去训练,一定会收到成效的。 Summary In today's reading, the writer tells us that our willpower is like a muscle and it will get tired . The author also shows the reason why our willpower gets exhausted and some helpful ways to strengthen our  Additionally, to overcome willpower exhaustion and increase our self-control, we can do the following things. Firstly, we can plan our schedule wisely,  and limit temptations when we know we'll be the most depleted. Secondly, Please  make sure that our body is well-fueled with food that gives us lasting energy. Thirdly,  We can train our willpower muscle. So guys , let's exercise our willpower each day and I believe that we will build strength for all our willpower challenges.

