

2021-02-23  本文已影响0人  Rose_清扬婉兮Roshan


What is happening to me

I'm so scared to say it

my heart is broken

let it be true what I live

let the love be real

let it be the cause and occasion

the eyes I look at

I find love of her

If you're a star

which light will bring to my life

never cease never to thaw

never lose that love

but If you give up your dreams

dreams will not be realized in your live

never dawn and never finish

I will still love you in my heart

On my way

everything was dark

never my dreams

it would become true

but now you are here

and I have been reborn

whether I end or I star

you are still my life

If you're a star

which light will bring to my life

never cease never to thaw

never lose that love

but If you give up your dreams

dreams will not be realized in your live

never dawn and never finish

I will still love you in my heart


