2019-01-04 本文已影响15人
Use tool to collect data and process it into conclusions and actions. Imagine that virtually everything important going on in your company can be captured as data, and that you can build algorithms to instruct the computer, as you would instruct a person, to analyze that data and use it in the way you agreed it should be used. In that way, you and the computer on your behalf could look at each person and all the people together and provide tailored guidance, just like your GPS provides you guidance by knowing all the traffic patterns and routes.
我们其实也有很多工具能够收集数据,比如开发管理用的ALM,SSC用的issue log,反思问题的回顾日志,记录用户行为和系统响应时间的ART等等。这些数据背后隐藏着我们可能还不知道的真相、规律和模式等等,怎么利用和发掘数据的价值让我们做出更好的判断和决定是接下来要努力的方向之一。