some thinking about logistic reg
2020-10-28 本文已影响0人
- where does the logistic regression come from?
我的思考结果是逻辑回归只会学到一个决策边界,然后依赖这个决策边界根据sigmoid映射到0-1概率上,如果没有sigmoid,此时逻辑回归模型就是感知机,能学到一个决策边界。而有了一个sigmoid,因此为了使输出的概率更准确,边界会改变,朝着边界与sigmoid结合输出的结果改变,这个是LR的本质。 - logistic regression don't need any assumption about data distribution?
是的。因为其他模型,都是先假设数据服从某一分布,该分布有参数,然后通过优化求解参数。例如有些模型对linearity, normality, homoscedasticity, and measurement都有要求。而逻辑回归由于是直接学习后验概率,因此对数据分布无要求。
First, logistic regression does not require a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Second, the error terms (residuals) do not need to be normally distributed. Third, homoscedasticity is not required. Finally, the dependent variable in logistic regression is not measured on an interval or ratio scale.