Chartered Accountants often need to explain complex information to others, using a clear and concise style of communication. They may need to communicate information with their clients or people within the organisation who aren't experts in finance. Your answers suggest that you may prefer to share information in a format that you are comfortable with, such as conversations, rather than using other less familiar forms such as presentations or emails. When you share information with others, you are likely to do this in a way which appears friendly or informal, so you at times find it challenging to get others to trust your knowledge and expertise.
Developing your Capability:
Do you know, or study with, someone who has strong communication skills? Think about what it is they do which makes them come across as professional and credible. What can you learn from them?
Identify whether there are any forms of communication you are less comfortable with, such as public speaking or presentations. You might find it useful to focus on developing in one area at a time, for example, by delivering practice presentations or recording yourself so that you can self-critique your communication style.
After sharing information with others, always check whether you have been credible and easy to understand. Either ask people during your conversation or reach out to them afterward for feedback. This will help you to identify where you need to develop.
《最好的告别》being mortal
Josiah Royce-我们都追求一个超出我们自身的理由,这是人类的一种内在需求。在给这个理由赋予价值、将其视为值得为之牺牲之物的同时,我们赋予自己的生命以意义。(忠诚)