

2019-04-10  本文已影响5人  双语微信公众号英语思维看世界


My family and I watched the first run of Shazam at the cinema the day before yesterday in which the "Seven Deadly Sins" was mentioned again, which made me think a lot.The Seven Deadly Sins include gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, pride and lust. What would be the 8th sin if you could add one more? Why?


Arrogance. But I guess that is similar to pride.


Arrogance. Because it rids the soul of empathy!


I'd add the sin of fear. The fear of the unknown can cause people to turn to all the other sins.


Do you mean that the fear of the unknown is the source of all the other sins?


It can be, but you could link every sin to greed, too. There's generally a common trait between all the sins, so reducing it to those most basic things could give you a new sin. You're greedy for power, so you fall to the sin of wrath. You're greedy for food, so you're a glutton. On and on like that.


Ignorance. Because the lack of knowledge is a great danger to oneself and the society. It can spread illnesses, crumble commerce, wedge wars and devastate the entire world.....


Betrayal. I think it is a dreadful trait. It destroys the people you betray, and it destroys your honour as a person…… People don't trust a betrayer.


I would add irresponsibility! When people refuse to take responsibility for their actions, it can cause a lot of problems. We are having that issue in America right now.





▎People have children without being ready for them, then tell the government to take responsibility for the children;

▎People get sick from living unhealthy, then blame others when they can't afford the medical bills;

▎People fail school because they don't want to study, then blame others when they are poor or unable to find a good job;

▎Women pick bad men, then blame all men for not being good enough.


Irresponsibility is putting the blame on others, and then expecting someone else to fix the problem. If irresponsibility were the 8th sin, maybe people would try harder to put their own lives in order!


If I were to add another sin, I would add dispondency. As with the other sins in our life, we will experience dispondency. Maybe the loss of a loved one, the feeling of working a dead end job or a failed relationship. Each of these could lead to that feeling.


In fact, self-reflection is what I meant to emphasize on this subject. Apparently, I don't concern myself with the origin of the "Seven Deadly Sins" (like who created or fabricated it and such), because it doesn't have practical significance for people. We can't deny that our sins exist, and I think there are far more than seven. People's responses have said a lot, haven't they?


The society to which we belong is like a mirror, reflecting the true state of ourselves, helping to identify and examine ourselves from a new perspective. In my opinion, learning to reassess ourselves with sins is what matters, because that's part of what makes us better.


节选自:双语微信公众号 【英语思维看世界】



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