1. 续种补种方案 follow-up inoculation plan
国家卫生健康委员会 the National Health Commission
药品监督管理局 the State Drug Administration
狂犬病潜伏期 the incubation period of rabies
提供跟踪观察和咨询服务provide tracking, observation and advisory services
公开联系方式make contact information public
定点医疗机构designated medical institution
专家组expert panel
临床研究clinical studies
疾病预防控制disease prevention and control
静脉注射 intravenous injection
皮下注射 hypodermic injection
疫苗注射 vaccination/vaccine injection
注射死刑 execution by lethal injection
2. 信息公开 disclose information, information disclosure
民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs
慈善组织charities/charity groups
施行go into effect 相关短语:put into practice、carry out、implement等都是实行、执行的意思
依法in accordance with the law
年度工作报告和财务会计报告yearly work and financial accounting reports
公开募捐public fundraising
慈善信托charitable trust
重大资产变动major asset changes
关联交易connected transactions
差旅费travel expenses
募捐 raise donations
财务透明度 financial transparency
社会组织 social organization
援助机构 aid agency/organization
食物银行 food bank
义卖会 bazaar
3. 亚运会会徽Asian Games emblem
潮涌 Surging Tides
consists of six elements: a Chinese fan, the Qiantang River, a tidal bore, a running track, the internet icon and the glowing red sun of the Olympic Council of Asia.
人文意蕴cultural heritage unique
体育竞技sports competitions
体育赛事 sports event
吉祥物 mascot
田径运动 track and field
电子竞技 e-sports
打破世界纪录 break/beat/shatter the world recor
4. 非法代写服务illegal ghostwriting services
中小学生 elementary and junior high school students
减负burden alleviation
课外辅导班 extracurricular classes
商机business opportunity
联系客服(contact customer service)——告知要求(tell the requirements)——确定价格(set the price)——邮寄作业(mail the notebook)——支付议价(pay the agreed fee)——收到成品(get the returned manuscript)
电商平台e-commerce platform
抄袭 plagiarism
欺诈行为 an act of fraud
写作软件 writing software
课业负担 homework loads
教育改革 education reform
5. 精芬spiritually Finnish
无意义的闲谈unnecessary chit chat
共鸣 strike a chord with
群居动物social animal
宅男 homebody
私人空间 private space
无谓的社交 unnecessary socializing
大众生活 public life