《Bloomberg Businessweek》解读An Eco

2019-03-20  本文已影响0人  葛朗台商业简讯

① Leaders can no longer use oil wealth to placate their struggling citizens.

② “Many small and medium-sized companies are shutting down, ”he said.” We see companies firing Saudis.

③ The International Monetary Fund ranks the Middle East and North Africa as the worst-performing corner of the world economy since 2011, along with Latin America.

④ “I’d walk in the street, and people would tell me, ’If we can’t get everything now, we’ll never get it later! ’There was no trust.”

⑤ Protest, sometimes violent, have been the main avenue for people to seek change. There are few signs so far that Middle Eastern leaders have managed to deliver it.” It’s not just about economics, ” says Radwan, the former Egyptian minister. ” It ’ s addressing expectations, addressing fears.”

——摘自《Bloomberg Businessweek》·19年5期·P37-38《An Economic Storm Gathers Over the Middle East》



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