

2019-09-16  本文已影响0人  生如夏花绚烂璀璨

Today, we are going to talk about “How to Form a Habit”.


I’ll share with you a personal experience, in order to help you understand why “Motivation and Details Form a Habit”.


When Winston Churchill was 25, he cried for freedom

25 years later, he changed his mind and said that self-discipline is important

After another 25 years passed by, when he was 75, he said, “Self-discipline BRINGS freedom!”




So today I’m going to share with you the idea that more self-disciplined you are, the more free you will be!


Self-discipline is something that looks very difficult to achieve in the eyes of others.  However, for those who have achieved self-discipline, it’s really very simple.


What is a habit? A habit is quite simply detailed actionwith a consistent pattern.


And what drives us to complete these little details in the same way each time? Our motivation does.


I will share a story about me about the habit I have of taking cold showers.


Did you know there are a lot of benefits of taking a cold shower?


When Yixiaoneng Parenting Class was about to open its first session, I came across an article when I was studying time management for a Parenting Class.


The article told the story of a Korean mother who raised 6 children so successfully that they all became doctors with degrees from the best universities in the world.


There were so many people that wanted to interview her and when they did, they all asked “how did you raise so many gifted children with fantastic results?”


The mother said something very important and compelling: “Your body is your engine!”


She explained that at one point her children were very sick and unable to study. Their grades were very low. You can see how time management is related to energy management.  These children had no energy.


The mother focused on time management, by focusing on energy management.


She needed to find a way to help her children increase their energy so they wouldn’t be so sick all the time.  She decided to help her children develop their exercising habits.


She started to bathe her children with cold water.  She then asked them to get up early and go running to exercise their bodies.


My son used to be sick a lot too, but after I read about this story I decided to try it: I will also bathe my son in cold water!


So I went home and told my wife this idea. My son was there too.  When I finished telling my wife and son they had no reaction.  And then my wife responded: she said, “ if you want to try this, then you better cold-bath yourself first!”


My wife is very smart you see.  I fell right into that trap!


I thought about it over and over and finally I told her Ok, “Fine! I’ll do it first!”


I was scared!  And I procrastinated.  But eventually, I finally decided to do it because I wanted to be a role model for my son.  To do what I say I would do.


One day later, as I was trying to generate the willpower to complete this challenge, I began to tell one of my students who is from Beihai (a city in southwest China).


To my great surprise, he told me that he had been taking cold showers for years.


He then told me a secret about taking cold showers,


He said your head fears the cold so keep your head out of the cold water.


But normally a shower starts with water hitting your head and then dripping to your waist and down to your feet.


He also told me another thing – he said that cold air and moisture will enter your body and make you sick.


My friend however had another secret to share with me: he said that after taking a cold shower, use the blow dryer to warm your body.


Focus the hot air on your outer elbow and knee joints.  If you do this immediately after taking a cold shower, the cold air and moisture will not enter your body and you will not be sick.


After he shared this with me, I took a cold shower for the first time.


And then I find out that it’s not hard at all!


As long as you follow the right method, nothing is impossible!


Later, I read the Magic of Morning Diary book and in it, the author also advises using cold water in the shower!


After that, I talked to many people and read several books about cold showering and I learned how cold showers have great benefits to our body.  When we are sick cold showers even help us recover much more quickly!


A Yoga teacher once told me that cold showering is the best way to clean our body.


You see when cold water pours over your skin, blood gathers around that area to protect you from the coldness. When the cold shower ends, your blood will return to your organs. This process stimulates circulation which has great benefits for our body.


There are other benefits as well but I don’t have time to share them all here.  I encourage you to look them up.


After trying cold showers for many months, I even began to try colder and colder water with fantastic results.


And because of my example, my son did try it as well.  We started at 38 degrees Celsius and gradually dropped it to 37 and 35, and even to 32 and 31 degree Celsius. That is 98.6 degrees (body temperature) to 95 degrees to 90 and then 88 degrees Fahrenheit.


Can you see from this story that motivation is needed to form a habit?


I needed to challenge myself and I did that by becominga role-model for my son. I didn’t take it too fast.  I just remembered my goal and plant the seed deep into my heart. Step by step, I gradually built the courage to continue.


I told you this story of cold-showering to show you how to form a habit.


We must first have motivation and purpose and we must plan out the details so we know exactly what to do.


If you’ll share your experiences with others, you will also learn from them.  Your friends, colleagues and family will help you achieve your goals.


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