
2018-11-05  本文已影响7人  螺旋的幸福

刚刚过去了一个精彩有趣的一周,周三的万圣节🎃,周五的印度晚餐,周六完成了很多代办事项,今天发现了好看的美剧Young Shelton,还经历了人生中第一次险些撞车……但是最高兴的是我发现了一个YouTube Channel —— JR Lee Radio (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH1jieeP7Ecpo4s-pPT9FWQ)

JR是一个非常正能量的小伙子,讲了一口地道的美语,还很多才多艺,最棒的是他非常善于观察,观察生活中的现象,然后思考再分享给大家。其实平时生活中会有一些“正能量”的人,但是他们给我的感觉却是“表现的很正能量”,但是我非常喜欢JR的正能量,我能感觉到他发自内心的快乐。今天听到了一篇很喜欢的文章,叫做 This is an indifferent generation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFnzNwt85lE) 真的真的好喜欢这篇文章,现在就把他的文本抄录在这里,原视频链接已经附上,请大家去充满正能量的原址吧~~

Hey guys, this is JR right here. Today let's cut right to the chase. 

I believe many will agree with me when I say that this is an indifferent generation. This is a generation where people are becoming more and more distant from each other. This is a generation where people are more concerned about their personal matters compared to collective affairs. We feel the urge to speak our minds, to let the world know about our ideas, our achievements, our stories. But at the same time, ironically, we're losing the ability to listen. We share photos, our posts on social media wanting to gain attention. But at the same time, we're not paying attention to other people.

This is an indifferent generation ... and the question is: how do we cope with it?

So here's a thought.

Start giving recognition to others. Tell people how well they've done their jobs. Tell people how nice, how good, how incredible you think they are. And don't think it in your mind. Don't keep it a secret to yourself. Tell him or her in person. Or even better, make your voice heard. Let lots of people know about it. Cuz aren't these things worthier than the negative things they show you on TV? Wouldn't you want your good deeds or your accomplishments to be spread out? Be honest, deep down inside, we all do. 

It's our inclination to want to be understood and accepted. And we feel sad when we're not. So it's crucial for us to recognize one another for our individual efforts. And we can do that by either experiencing other people's experiences or just try to put ourselves in other people's shoes. I remember one day back in high school. I got home, the TV was on ... The news was on ... And there was a footage of children who lost their parents in war. I have never in my life been through anything even close to such a horrible thing. And for that, I'm grateful. I stared at the screen for a quite long while. And in my head, I was picturing what it might be like to lose my own parents. It was a scary thought and at that moment I started to well up as if to some extent I could feel those children's agony, pain and insecurity. And so I believe that understanding, empathy, those things can be learned and enhanced by intentional efforts. 

So understand, give recognition, give credit, and just be proud of one another. You don't have to be pretentious. Just be true in what you see good in other people. You don't have to pretend you don't see the bad things in life, just make sure you spread the good ones even more. On the other hand, when no one's understanding you or giving you the proper recognition, well I know how that feels, unappreciated, underestimated, neglected, sad ... But we can't demand other people to show us attention. You know that would be awkward. However, at the end of the day, if you let your emotions get the best of you, you're the only one at loss. So you might as well just don't expect to receive anything from others, otherwise you might feel tested. Just know that, if you would, someone above always know every single detail about you. And to me, that's good enough. It's simply give and take, and like the old cliche goes, we're always more blessed to give than to receive. More than true.

We all yearn to be understood. So praise and give recognition to each other. Who will know if you don't say it out loud?

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