

2019-07-26  本文已影响0人  tracy_668


void addListener(Runnable listener, Executor executor);


ListenableFutureTask<String> task = ListenableFutureTask.create(new Callable<String>() {
    public String call() throws Exception {
        return "";
new Thread(task).start();
task.addListener(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
}, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
public static Executor directExecutor() {
    return DirectExecutor.INSTANCE;

private enum DirectExecutor implements Executor {

    public void execute(Runnable command) {

    public String toString() {
        return "MoreExecutors.directExecutor()";



ThreadPoolExecutor poolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
        new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(100),
        new CustomizableThreadFactory("demo"),
        new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy());
ListeningExecutorService listeningExecutor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(poolExecutor);

ExecutorService newPoolExecutor = MoreExecutors.getExitingExecutorService(poolExecutor);

MoreExecutors.addDelayedShutdownHook(poolExecutor, 120, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ListenableFuture<String> listenableFuture = listeningExecutor.submit(new Callable<String>() {
    public String call() throws Exception {
        return "";
Futures.addCallback(listenableFuture, new FutureCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {


    public void onFailure(Throwable t) {


 * Futures.addCallback源码,其实就是包装了一层addListener,可以不加executor参数,使用上文说的DirectExecutor
 * 需要说明的是不加Executor的情况,只适用于轻型的回调方法,如果回调方法很耗时占资源,会造成线程阻塞
 * 因为DirectExecutor有可能在主线程中执行回调
public static <V> void addCallback(final ListenableFuture<V> future, final FutureCallback<? super V> callback, Executor executor) {
    Runnable callbackListener =
            new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    final V value;
                    try {
                        value = getDone(future);
                    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    } catch (Error e) {
    future.addListener(callbackListener, executor);


ListenableFuture<String> task2 = Futures.transform(task1, new Function<String, String>() {
    public String apply(String input) {
        return "";
ListenableFuture<String> task3 = Futures.transform(task2, new Function<String, String>() {
    public String apply(String input) {
        return "";
Futures.addCallback(task3, new FutureCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {

    public void onFailure(Throwable t) {





  public void addListener(Runnable listener, Executor exec) {
    executionList.add(listener, exec);

public void add(Runnable runnable, Executor executor) {
    // Fail fast on a null. We throw NPE here because the contract of Executor states that it throws
    // NPE on null listener, so we propagate that contract up into the add method as well.
    checkNotNull(runnable, "Runnable was null.");
    checkNotNull(executor, "Executor was null.");

    // Lock while we check state. We must maintain the lock while adding the new pair so that
    // another thread can't run the list out from under us. We only add to the list if we have not
    // yet started execution.
    synchronized (this) {
      if (!executed) {
        runnables = new RunnableExecutorPair(runnable, executor, runnables);
    // Execute the runnable immediately. Because of scheduling this may end up getting called before
    // some of the previously added runnables, but we're OK with that. If we want to change the
    // contract to guarantee ordering among runnables we'd have to modify the logic here to allow
    // it.
    executeListener(runnable, executor);


private static void executeListener(Runnable runnable, Executor executor) {
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      // Log it and keep going -- bad runnable and/or executor. Don't punish the other runnables if
      // we're given a bad one. We only catch RuntimeException because we want Errors to propagate
      // up.
          "RuntimeException while executing runnable " + runnable + " with executor " + executor,


private static final class RunnableExecutorPair {
    final Runnable runnable;
    final Executor executor;
    @Nullable RunnableExecutorPair next;

    RunnableExecutorPair(Runnable runnable, Executor executor, RunnableExecutorPair next) {
      this.runnable = runnable;
      this.executor = executor;
      this.next = next;

实际上listener模式只是重写了FutureTask的done方法,我们知道在future task中任务执行后在finishCompletion方法会调用done方法

  protected void done() {
 public void execute() {
    // Lock while we update our state so the add method above will finish adding any listeners
    // before we start to run them.
    RunnableExecutorPair list;
    synchronized (this) {
      if (executed) {
      executed = true;
      list = runnables;
      runnables = null; // allow GC to free listeners even if this stays around for a while.
    // If we succeeded then list holds all the runnables we to execute. The pairs in the stack are
    // in the opposite order from how they were added so we need to reverse the list to fulfill our
    // contract.
    // This is somewhat annoying, but turns out to be very fast in practice. Alternatively, we could
    // drop the contract on the method that enforces this queue like behavior since depending on it
    // is likely to be a bug anyway.

    // N.B. All writes to the list and the next pointers must have happened before the above
    // synchronized block, so we can iterate the list without the lock held here.
    RunnableExecutorPair reversedList = null;
    while (list != null) { // 反转单链表
      RunnableExecutorPair tmp = list;
      list = list.next;
      tmp.next = reversedList;
      reversedList = tmp;
    while (reversedList != null) {
      executeListener(reversedList.runnable, reversedList.executor);
      reversedList = reversedList.next;


ListenableFutureTask<String> task1 = ListenableFutureTask.create(new Callable<String>() {
            public String call() throws Exception {
                return "good";

 ListenableFuture<String> task2 = Futures.transform(task1, new Function<String, String>() {
            public String apply(String input) {
                return "yes";

        new Thread(task1).start();
        try {
            System.out.println(task2.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

        } catch (Exception e) {


public static <I, O> ListenableFuture<O> transform(
      ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I, ? extends O> function) {
    return AbstractTransformFuture.create(input, function);

 static <I, O> ListenableFuture<O> create(
      ListenableFuture<I> input, Function<? super I, ? extends O> function) {
    TransformFuture<I, O> output = new TransformFuture<I, O>(input, function);
    input.addListener(output, directExecutor()); // 其实还是调用了ListenableFuture的addListener方法
    return output;

其实本质上tranform是new了一个新的ListenableFuture output,作为input的监听。当input future完成后,会处理监听的output future。


public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
      throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException {
    // NOTE: if timeout < 0, remainingNanos will be < 0 and we will fall into the while(true) loop
    // at the bottom and throw a timeoutexception.
    long remainingNanos = unit.toNanos(timeout); // we rely on the implicit null check on unit.
    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
      throw new InterruptedException();
    Object localValue = value;
    if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof AbstractFuture.SetFuture)) {
      return getDoneValue(localValue);
    // we delay calling nanoTime until we know we will need to either park or spin
    final long endNanos = remainingNanos > 0 ? System.nanoTime() + remainingNanos : 0;
    if (remainingNanos >= SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS) {
      Waiter oldHead = waiters;
      if (oldHead != Waiter.TOMBSTONE) {
        Waiter node = new Waiter(); //封装成等待队列
        do {
          if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casWaiters(this, oldHead, node)) {
            while (true) {
              LockSupport.parkNanos(this, remainingNanos); // 挂起
              // Check interruption first, if we woke up due to interruption we need to honor that.
              if (Thread.interrupted()) {
                throw new InterruptedException();

              // Otherwise re-read and check doneness. If we loop then it must have been a spurious
              // wakeup
              localValue = value;
              if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof AbstractFuture.SetFuture)) {
                return getDoneValue(localValue);

              // timed out?
              remainingNanos = endNanos - System.nanoTime();
              if (remainingNanos < SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS) {
                // Remove the waiter, one way or another we are done parking this thread.
                removeWaiter(node); // 等待超时
                break long_wait_loop; // jump down to the busy wait loop
          oldHead = waiters; // re-read and loop.
        } while (oldHead != Waiter.TOMBSTONE);
      // re-read value, if we get here then we must have observed a TOMBSTONE while trying to add a
      // waiter.
      return getDoneValue(value);
    // If we get here then we have remainingNanos < SPIN_THRESHOLD_NANOS and there is no node on the
    // waiters list
    while (remainingNanos > 0) {
      localValue = value;
      if (localValue != null & !(localValue instanceof AbstractFuture.SetFuture)) {
        return getDoneValue(localValue);
      if (Thread.interrupted()) {
        throw new InterruptedException();
      remainingNanos = endNanos - System.nanoTime();
    throw new TimeoutException();

当input future完成后,由于

    input.addListener(output, directExecutor());
  public void addListener(Runnable listener, Executor exec) {
    executionList.add(listener, exec);

会运用ListenableFuture的监听器模式,完成tranform, 我们再来回顾下ListenableFuture的监听模式:

  protected void done() {
 public void execute() {
    // Lock while we update our state so the add method above will finish adding any listeners
    // before we start to run them.
    RunnableExecutorPair list;
    synchronized (this) {
      if (executed) {
      executed = true;
      list = runnables;
      runnables = null; // allow GC to free listeners even if this stays around for a while.
    // If we succeeded then list holds all the runnables we to execute. The pairs in the stack are
    // in the opposite order from how they were added so we need to reverse the list to fulfill our
    // contract.
    // This is somewhat annoying, but turns out to be very fast in practice. Alternatively, we could
    // drop the contract on the method that enforces this queue like behavior since depending on it
    // is likely to be a bug anyway.

    // N.B. All writes to the list and the next pointers must have happened before the above
    // synchronized block, so we can iterate the list without the lock held here.
    RunnableExecutorPair reversedList = null;
    while (list != null) {
      RunnableExecutorPair tmp = list;
      list = list.next;
      tmp.next = reversedList;
      reversedList = tmp;
    while (reversedList != null) {
      executeListener(reversedList.runnable, reversedList.executor); // 执行listener
      reversedList = reversedList.next;
 private static void executeListener(Runnable runnable, Executor executor) {
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {

    public void execute(Runnable command) {


 abstract class AbstractTransformFuture<I, O, F, T> extends AbstractFuture.TrustedFuture<O>
    implements Runnable 


public final void run() {
    ListenableFuture<? extends I> localInputFuture = inputFuture;
    F localFunction = function;
    if (isCancelled() | localInputFuture == null | localFunction == null) {
    inputFuture = null;
    function = null;
    I sourceResult;
    try {
      sourceResult = getDone(localInputFuture); // 获取上一个future结果
    } catch (Exception e) {
          ....  // 只看关键代码

    T transformResult;
    try {
      transformResult = doTransform(localFunction, sourceResult); // input Future的结果作为输入
    } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) {


    O doTransform(Function<? super I, ? extends O> function, @Nullable I input) {
      return function.apply(input);
      // TODO(lukes): move the UndeclaredThrowable catch block here?


tranform的实现主要是依赖ListenableFuture的监听模式,转换后的future作为listener监听转换前的future, 转换前future的输出作为转换后future的输入。最好是在idea debug一下更容易理解。

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