
秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy

2018-04-03  本文已影响0人  龚秀娟GraceGong


XiuJuan Gong, born in a Tea-business family in Enshi, Hubei. She graduated from art education department belong to academy of arts in Jianghan University.And her major is traditional Chinese painting.Her graduation work 《 Trapped》was kept in school till now. As a Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher from 2009, now her students are from WYIS, French International school, international academy from Jianghan University,Wuhan Business University, top management team,the  different consulates and some foreign experts 's family .As an internship in 2012, she worked for 798 art gallery, high--class clothing creation for Fuzang in Caochangdi International studio, Beijing. And also as the Chinese painting artist sailing with "Viking" from Wuhan to Chongqin . Congrats! She opened her own studio " Xiujuan's Calligraphy & Tea " in 2013. From 2015 to 2016, she was invited as local Wuhan artist by Alliance Franciase, attended "art--wine" culture exchange , and "Wuhan--Paris" international children's work show exhibition with French Consul general in Wuhan, and artists from Bordeaux-- Paris . Till 2016, she opened several public free sharing and exhibition in Wuwai Library and art gallery in Tanghu. During summer vacation in  2016 and 2017, she was invited to have the Western art history course in Louvre, France.

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

课程目标:通过分享和引导,提高艺术审美和鉴赏。Objective:  To improve the taste of art by sharing and guidance.

课程内容:从自身的参观求学经历和长期的专业的艺术累积学习,从博物院的建筑,名画收藏,著名艺术家生平故事,引导大众的艺术审美和鉴赏。Content: From the constructions, great panting collections, and famous artists's life Story, combine with your own experience and all the professional art learning , to guide normal people enjoy art work.


Final Goal: Found, Explore, Study, create, and cherish the truth, beauty and love from art

莫奈花园 Monet's Garden

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

建筑遗产博物馆 Architectural heritage Museum

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

罗丹花园 Rodin's Garden

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

达芬奇公园Vinci's park

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

雨果故居Hugo's former residence

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum


秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

蓬皮杜艺术中心 Pompidou's art center

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

橘园美术馆 Orangery Gallery

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

毕加索博物馆Picasso's Museum

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

装饰博物馆 Decoration Museum

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

路易威登基金公司Louis Vuitton Foundation Company

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

奥赛博物馆Orsay's Museum

秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum 秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum 秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum 秀娟书画茶-欧洲博物馆课程XiuJuan Calligraphy &Tea--Europe Museum

龚秀娟, 中国画书法老师,出生富硒茶之乡-恩施,英语法语艺术文化交流旅行,绘画创作。Gong Xiujuan. Chinese painting calligraphy teacher, born in rich tea Area - Enshi, English and french art/culture of communication and traveling , painting creation. Gong Xiujuan. Le professeur de peinture chinoise et Calligraphie,  né riche du thé région- Enshi,  le communication et voyage d’art et cultural avec l’anglais et le  français  ,  l’art création.

我的网站 -my website-mon site l’internet -https://www.gracegong-art.com

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