在Core Animation中, 借助Core Animation 提供的几个动画类我们可以对一个Layer做各种酷炫的动画,在实例 CAPropertyAnimation 的时候( CABasicAnimation
和 CAKeyFrameAnimation
均继承自该类),通过构造方法 convenience init(keyPath path: String?)
,需要传入一个字符串。 那么问题来了,这个参数到底可以取哪些值呢?
我们知道 CALayer
实现了 NSKeyValueCoding
协议,因此我们可以使用 KVC 对 CALayer的实例中的属性进行取值和赋值,而在 Core Animation 提供的几个动画类影响的对象便是 CALayer
的实例,我们可以推测在 CAPropertyAnimation 类中构造方法 convenience init(keyPath path: String?)
的keyPath参数的取值 应该是 CALayer 中的属性。 带着这个推测,参考苹果的官方文档,笔者把可以用作keyPath的值列举如下。
1. 几何属性 (Geometry Properties)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
transform.rotation.x |
按x轴旋转的弧度 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the x axis. |
transform.rotation.y |
按y轴旋转的弧度 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the y axis. |
transform.rotation.z |
按z轴旋转的弧度 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the z axis. |
transform.rotation |
按z轴旋转的弧度, 和transform.rotation.z效果一样 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the z axis. This field is identical to setting the rotation.z field. |
transform.scale.x |
在x轴按比例放大缩小 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the x axis. |
transform.scale.y |
在x轴按比例放大缩小 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the y axis. |
transform.scale.z |
在z轴按比例放大缩小 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the z axis. |
transform.scale |
按比例放大缩小 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the average of all three scale factors. |
transform.translation.x |
沿x轴平移 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the x axis. |
transform.translation.y |
沿y轴平移 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the y axis. |
transform.translation.z |
沿z轴平移 |
Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the z axis. |
transform.translation |
x,y 坐标均发生改变 |
Set to an NSValue object containing an NSSize or CGSize data type. That data type indicates the amount to translate in the x and y axis. |
transform |
CATransform3D 4*4矩阵 |
bounds |
layer大小 |
position |
layer位置 |
frame |
不支持 frme 属性 |
computed from the bounds and position and is NOT animatable |
anchorPoint |
锚点位置 |
cornerRadius |
圆角大小 |
zPosition |
z轴位置 |
2.背景属性 (Background Properties)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
backgroundColor |
背景颜色 |
3.Layer内容 (Layer Content)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
contents |
Layer内容,呈现在背景颜色之上 |
contentsRect |
The rectangle, in the unit coordinate space, that defines the portion of the layer’s contents that should be used. |
masksToBounds |
setting the layer’s masksToBounds property to YES does cause the layer to clip to its corner radius |
4.子Layer内容 (Sublayers Content)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
sublayers |
子Layer数组 |
sublayerTransform |
子Layer的Transform |
Specifies the transform to apply to sublayers when rendering. |
5.边界属性 (Border Attributes)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
borderColor |
borderWidth |
6.阴影属性 (Shadow Properties)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
shadowColor |
阴影颜色 |
shadowOffset |
阴影偏移距离 |
shadowOpacity |
阴影透明度 |
shadowRadius |
阴影圆角 |
shadowPath |
阴影路径 |
7.透明度 (Opacity Property)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
opacity |
透明度 |
hiden |
8.遮罩 (Mask Properties)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
mask |
9.ShapeLayer属性 (ShapeLayer)
Field Key Path |
Remark |
En Description |
fillColor |
strokeColor |
strokeStart |
从无到有 |
strokeEnd |
从有到无 |
lineWidth |
路径的线宽 |
miterLimit |
相交长度的最大值 |
lineDashPhase |
虚线样式 |
这里特别需要注意的是 layer的 frame
和````bounds``` 变通实现