
2022-01-24  本文已影响0人  6龙





1. 债券选择发达工业国家的政府债券,次选择是绩优公司发行的债券。依我看来,我国的可转债可作考虑,但风险应按股票来算。债券收益越高,其风险越大。

The safest ones you can buy are first-world government bonds from high-income industrial countries. Slightly riskier bonds can be bought from strong blue-chip businesses such as Coca-Cola <www.coca-cola.com>, Wal-Mart <www.walmart.com>, and Johnson & Johnson <www.jnj.com>. Riskier bonds pay higher interest, but there’s a higher chance that they might forfeit on the loan. The higher the interest paid by a corporate bond, the higher the risk associated with it.

2. 选择1-3年的短期债券。长期债券会受通货膨胀的影响。

buying bonds with shorter maturities (such as one- to three-year bonds) is wiser than buying longer term bonds (such as 10-year bonds). If inflation rears its head, you won’t be saddled with a 10-year commitment to a certain interest rate. When a short-term bond expires, and you get your money back, you can buy another short-term bond at the higher interest rate.

3. 债券的收益通常通货膨胀率和无风险利率呈反比。

4. 如果这个听起来很复杂,就购买短期政府债券吧。它能与通货膨胀保持一致,你随时都可以卖出。

If this sounds complicated, don’t worry. You can buy a shortterm government bond index, and you never have to worry about an expiration date. It will keep pace with inflation over time, and you can sell it whenever you want. It’s easy.

5. 债券买多少:可大约等于你的年龄。也可以根据你的风险承受能力,调整比例。

A rule of thumb is that you should have a bond allocation that’s roughly equivalent to your age. Some experts suggest that it should be your age minus 10, or if you want a riskier portfolio, your age minus 20; for example, a 50-year-old would have between 30 and 50 percent of his or her investment portfolio in bonds.


Stock returns don’t always beat bond returns over the short term, but over long periods, stocks run circles around bonds. That said, bonds could be your secret weapon when stocks hit the skids.

用平衡的投资组合痛击专业投资人Trounce the professionals with a balanced portfolio


If you’re adding $200 a month to a portfolio, you could add $60 a month to a bond index ($60 is 30 percent of $200) and $140 a month ($140 is 70 percent of $200) to your stock indexes.






After adding a government bond index to your portfolio, you really could stop right there. But many investors like having an international component to their portfolios.


In that case, a 30-year-old American investor (without an upcoming pension) would have a portfolio that looked like the one.





Once you learn how to build indexed accounts, the time commitment you will spend on making investment decisions and transactions will be minimal. You could end up spending less than one hour a year on your investments.


Finance professors Brad Barber and Terrance Odean suggest that women’s investment returns beat men’s returns, on average, by roughly one percentage point annually because they trade less frequently, take fewer risks, and expect lower returns, according to a 2009 article by Jason Zweig in The Wall Street Journal.2 Overconfidence, it appears, might be more of a male trait than a female’s.


I don’t believe most millionaires trade stocks. If they own any shares at all, I believe they buy and hold them for long periods much like they would if they bought a business, an apartment building, or a piece of land.


Generally, the fewer trades you make in your investment account, the more money you’ll make. Whether you’re a mutual fund manager or a personal stock picker, lower trades equate to lower costs and taxes— and generally higher returns.


1. Spend like a millionaire (or less) if you want to become rich.

2. Start investing as early as possible—after paying off credit card debt and any other high-interest loans.

3. Invest in low-cost index funds instead of actively managed funds. Nobody can consistently pick “winning” actively managed funds ahead of time.

4. Understand stock market history and psychology so you don’t fall victim to the craziness that infects every investing generation (often more than once).

5. Learn to build a complete, balanced portfolio with stock and bond index funds that will easily beat most of the pros.

6. Create indexed accounts no matter where you live.

7. Learn to fight an adviser’s sales rhetoric.

8. Avoid investment schemes and scams that tickle your greed button.

9. If you must buy common stocks, do it with a small percentage of your portfolio and pick a mentor such as Warren Buffett.

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