

2022-04-07  本文已影响0人  大鱼馆长

1. 定义

驻留点:驻留点(Stay Point)是车辆在行驶过程中的停留信息,是由一系列连续的GPS点组成(特殊的轨迹段),GPS在空间上非常接近,但是时间跨度很大。通俗地讲,如果一个车辆在一个小的空间范围内持续出现了很长时间,则认为车辆在该范围内驻留了。

图1 轨迹驻留点示意图[1]


2. 算法描述



2.1 空间范围检测:

在空间上,从锚点开始,找到锚点之后连续的n个与锚点距离小于最大驻留距离(Maximum Stay Distance)\delta的GPS点。用公式表示为:\forall{i} {(dist(GPS_{anchor},GPS_i) \le{\delta})},其中 {({1}\le{i}\le{n}) },并且
满足dist(GPS_{anchor},GPS_{n+1})> \delta


图2 驻留点检测示意图
2.2 时间跨度检测:

对于锚点anchor和其后检测到的n个连续的距离小于\delta的GPS点,如果GPS_n.time-anchor.time>\beta,则认为车辆驻留的时间足够大,可以将anchor及其后面的连续n个GPS点识别成一个驻留点(共n+1个GPS),其中\beta是用户设置的最小驻留时间(Minimum Stay Time)。


3. 算法分类


3.1 基础的驻留点检测[文献1]


这种检测方法得到的驻留点可能存在驻留点相邻的情况,比如检测到sp_1 = {p_i,...,p_j}和sp_2 = {p_{j+1},...,p_k}这两个相邻的驻留点。

3.2 基于密度合并的驻留点检测[文献2]


这种检测方法首先检测出所有的驻留点,比如sp_1 = {p_i,...p_j},sp_2 = {p_{j-1},...p_k}和sp_3 = {p_{k+5},...p_t}这3个驻留点;然后将相互重叠的驻留点合并成一个最终的驻留点,比如将sp_1,sp_2进行合并,最终得到驻留点sp_{1+2}={p_1,...,p_j,...p_k}和sp_3

4. 代码实现


4.1 驻留点检测父类


abstract class AbstractStayPointDetector {
  def detect(trajectory: Trajectory): Array[StayPoint] = {
    val gpsCoordinates = trajectory.getCoordinatesGPS
    val stayPointBounds = calStayPointBounds(gpsCoordinates)

    for ((startIndex, endIndex) <- stayPointBounds) yield {
      val stayPointCoordinates = gpsCoordinates.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1)
      new StayPoint(stayPointCoordinates.toList.asJava, trajectory.oid)

   * Find all the stay points' bound in trajectory's coordinates
   * @param gpsCoordinates trajectory's gps coordinates containing longitude latitude and time
   * @return bound of each stay point, consisting of start index and end index(include)
   def calStayPointBounds(gpsCoordinates: Array[CoordinateGPS]): Array[(Int, Int)]

   * Calculate the position of gps coordinate whose distance
   * to anchor firstly exceeds the max stay point distance threshold
   * @param gpsCoordinates gps coordinates of trajectory
   * @param anchorIndex    anchor position in gpsCoordinates
   * @param maxDistInM     max stay point distance in unit meter
   * @return the position of first coordinate whose distance from anchor is further than maxDistInM
  protected def getFirstExceedIndex(gpsCoordinates: Array[CoordinateGPS],
                                    anchorIndex: Int, maxDistInM: Double): Int = {

    val anchor = gpsCoordinates(anchorIndex)
    var currIndex = anchorIndex + 1
    while (currIndex < gpsCoordinates.length) {
      val distInM = DistanceCalculator.distInMeter(anchor, gpsCoordinates(currIndex))
      if (distInM > maxDistInM) {
        return currIndex
      currIndex += 1

   * Judge whether start to end time interval of stay point exceeds the specific threshold
   * @param startTime        time of stay point's start coordinate
   * @param endTime          time of stay point's end coordinate
   * @param minStayTimeInSec minimum stay point time interval in unit second
   * @return whether time interval from start to end coordinate exceeds the threshold
  protected def isExceedMinTimeThreshold(startTime: Timestamp, endTime: Timestamp,
                                         minStayTimeInSec: Double): Boolean = {
    val timeIntervalInSec = endTime.toInstant.getEpochSecond - startTime.toInstant.getEpochSecond
    timeIntervalInSec > minStayTimeInSec
4.2 基础的驻留点检测


class ClassicStayPointDetector(maxStayDistInMeter: Double, minStayTimeInSecond: Double) extends AbstractStayPointDetector {

   * Find all the stay points' bound in trajectory's coordinates
   * @param gpsCoordinates trajectory's gps coordinates containing longitude latitude and time
   * @return bound of each stay point, consisting of start index and end index(include)
  override def calStayPointBounds(gpsCoordinates: Array[CoordinateGPS]): Array[(Int, Int)] = {
    val stayPointBounds = new ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]()

    var currIndex = 0
    while (currIndex < gpsCoordinates.length) {
      val endIndex = super.getFirstExceedIndex(gpsCoordinates, currIndex, maxStayDistInMeter) - 1

      val anchorTime = gpsCoordinates(currIndex).time
      val endTime = gpsCoordinates(endIndex).time
      val isExceedTime = super.isExceedMinTimeThreshold(anchorTime, endTime, minStayTimeInSecond)
      if (!isExceedTime) {
        stayPointBounds += ((currIndex, endIndex))
        currIndex = endIndex + 1
      } else {
        currIndex += 1

4.3 基于密度合并的驻留点检测


class DensityStayPointDetector(maxStayDistInMeter: Double, minStayTimeInSecond: Double) extends AbstractStayPointDetector {
   * Find all the stay points' bound in trajectory's coordinates
   * @param gpsCoordinates trajectory's gps coordinates containing longitude latitude and time
   * @return bound of each stay point, consisting of start index and end index(include)
  override def calStayPointBounds(gpsCoordinates: Array[CoordinateGPS]): Array[(Int, Int)] = {
    val stayPointBounds = new ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]()

    var startIndex: Option[Int] = None
    var endIndex: Option[Int] = None
    for (currIndex <- gpsCoordinates.indices) {
      val tempEndIndex = super.getFirstExceedIndex(gpsCoordinates, currIndex, maxStayDistInMeter) - 1

      val anchorTime = gpsCoordinates(currIndex).time
      val endTime = gpsCoordinates(tempEndIndex).time
      val isExceedTime = super.isExceedMinTimeThreshold(anchorTime, endTime, minStayTimeInSecond)
      if (!isExceedTime) {
        //detected stay point
        if (startIndex.isEmpty) {
          startIndex = Some(currIndex)
        if (endIndex.isEmpty || endIndex.get < tempEndIndex) {
          endIndex = Some(tempEndIndex)

      if (endIndex.isDefined && endIndex.get == currIndex) {
        stayPointBounds += ((startIndex.get, endIndex.get))
        startIndex = None
        endIndex = None


5. 总结



[1] Zheng Y. Trajectory data mining: an overview[J]. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 2015, 6(3): 1-41.
[2] Yuan J, Zheng Y, Zhang L, et al. Where to find my next passenger[C]//Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing. 2011: 109-118.


