Janice's ex husband, a mattress seller, is trying to cut prices on divorce as a gimmick. Monica went to buy a mattress, but Phoebe accidentally signed her a wrong one. Would Monica go crazy? Rachel wants Ross to get along with her dad, but Ross thinks her dad hates him. Can they get along? Joey got a chance to be a performance teacher, but he met a student competing for the same role. What would he do?
I'll love you like I do in that black thing that you like.
What, you're the only who can make a joke? At least mine was funny.
I've bugged him about this a million times. He's not gonna change.
I was wondering if you would consider coaching me for it.
I could be a big, huge, giant man and it still wouldn't make a difference.
Monica kind of trusted me with something and she shouldn't have.
So, Dr. Green, how's the old boat?
They found rust.
Do you know what rust does to a boat? Gives it a nice antique-y look?
Rust is boat cancer, Ross.
Wow, I'm sorry.
When I was a kid, I lost a bike to that. Ha, ha.