
2017-10-14  本文已影响0人  陆文斌

check the lease 查一查租赁合同

deprive him of food 把它断粮

stage by stage 阶段性得发展下去

its a slow descent into madndess 缓缓驶入疯狂的境地

charity thing 慈善晚宴

put off my quest for wellness

whe his diet crashes and burns into a giant pile of nutella(多益巧克力酱)

stock market plummeted直线下降

connect the dots -----i see

bump sb up 准许某人做某事

discipline 管教 i discipline her all the time

i didnt say that. you barely said it 我没这么说,这可是你说的

and yet i see no kids emerging from the vehicle

its not charming party guest. 此时的状态不适合参加派对

i will take the bullet tomorrow night at my boss' house

silly cause 净做傻事

i hadnt landed on that 我还没决定好嘞

doughnut 甜甜圈

paddle over 划过去

a plastic grocery bag塑料袋 warped缠住 around his neck脖子 and one og his fins鳍

everything i touch turns to detension跟我沾边的都得挨罚


