

2018-10-21  本文已影响7人  de05b5b47f65

       在国外LIS学科,对于人类信息行为(human information behavior)的研究试图通过各种实证研究(如:定性的访谈法、扎根理论、行动研究;定量的实验法、问卷调查法等)、基于文献的理论归纳与梳理来形成相应的可以指导用户信息行为的理论模型。为了便于形成一个较为完善的体系,需要对这些模型进行深入的分析。但遗憾的是这些模型可能仅仅还是在本学科内讨论的较多,这些模型能否也为别的学科和具体的用户研究提供指导意义是需要值得思考和关注的问题,但前提是需要对这些模型进行深入阅读、分析和归纳。希望,这学期能够带领研究生完成对这些经典模型的学习。这些模型涵盖了information retrieval、information searching、information seeking以及everyday information behavior等众多人类信息行为分支领域。但在LIS学科还有一些其他的模型需要加入到这个初步的模型知识体系中,有待后期更新。

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[19]Jansen B J, Rieh S Y. The seventeen theoretical constructs of information searching and information retrieval[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 2010, 61(8):1517-1534. 

[20]Du, J.T. & Spink, A.  Towards a Web search model: Integrating multitasking, cognitive coordination and cognitive shifts. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology[J]. 2011,62(8),1446–1472. 

[21]Marton C, Choo C W. A review of theoretical models of health information seeking on the web[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2012, 68(3):330-352. 

[22]Foster A, Urquhart C. Modelling nonlinear information behaviour: transferability and progression[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2012, 68(6):784-805. 

[23]Davies R, Williams D. Towards a conceptual framework for provider information behaviour[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2013, 69(4):545-566. 

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[26]Du J T. The information journey of marketing professionals: Incorporating work task‐driven information seeking, information judgments, information use, and information sharing[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 2014, 65(9):1850-1869. 

[27]Robson A, Robinson L. The Information Seeking and Communication Model[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2015, 71(5):1043-1069.

[28]Savolainen R. Conceptual growth in integrated models for information behaviour[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2016, 72(4):648-673.

[29]Savolainen R. Contributions to conceptual growth: The elaboration of Ellis's model for information-seeking behavior[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 2017, 68(3):594-608

[30]Savolainen R. Pioneering models for information interaction in the context ofinformation seeking and retrieval[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2018,74(5):966-986,

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