
Gotham1 episode 3、 4词汇与短语

2020-02-09  本文已影响0人  抖一抖羽毛

I had an idea to pop by out of the blue 我突然想出来一个主意

I’ll walk you out 让我送你出去

Vile creature

1. (informal) extremely unpleasant or bad

➔ SYNONYM​ disgusting

2. (formal) morally bad; completely unacceptable

➔ SYNONYM​wicked

Political hit 政治暗杀

Aide 副手

a person who helps another person, especially a politician, in their job

Sb. put in double overtime 双倍加班

Double homicide 双尸命案

Prime rib 顶级肋排

[countable] any of the curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest

a piece of meat with one or more bones from the ribs of an animal

[countable] a curved piece of wood, metal or plastic that forms the frame of a boat, roof, etc. and makes it stronger

a way of knitting that produces a pattern of vertical lines in which some are higher than others

dig somebody in the ˈribs

to push your finger or your elbow into somebodyʼs side, especially to attract their attention

Councilman 议员

Constituent 选民

Affordable housing 廉价住房

Less fortunate 贫苦百姓

Asylum 疯人院

Torn down 拆掉

Brick by brick 一砖一瓦

A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art 高端先进的

Endorse 支持

1. endorse something to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action

2.to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it

3. to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account

4.  endorse something (British English) to record details of a driving offence on somebodyʼs driving licence

Shift around 打探

Smart money says, this was just wrong place wrong time. 我敢说这不过就是不幸的意外

Slave driver 奴隶主

No one got a bigger rip. 没人比你名气大

to tear something or to become torn, often suddenly or

a long tear in cloth, paper, etc.


I‘m on sabbatical 我在休假

a period of time when somebody, especially a teacher at a university, is allowed to stop their normal work in order to study or travel

Make quite a chunk of change 做出很多改变

Make a play at sth. 插一脚

If it were up to me, this would be over quick, without all the fuss. 如果要是我来决定,就不会有这么多幺蛾子

Any other insights? 有何高见?

You keep that sniveling nose of yours to yourself. 你少多管闲事

tending to cry or complain a lot in a way that annoys people

A real pro 很专业的人

Words was… 听人说

Bloodshed 流血冲突

Cannotic 奶油甜馅煎饼卷

Give sb. nothing but scraps 只给残羹冷炙

1. a small piece of something, especially paper, cloth, etc.

2. scraps [plural] food left after a meal

3.a short fight or disagreement

3.things that are not wanted or cannot be used for their original purpose, but which have some value for the material they are made of

World-class 世界一流的

What’s got you so wound up. 你干嘛这么紧张?

Long hours and late night 加班晚归

I‘m going to cut to the chase. 我就直说了

I like you both, but I only have one opening. 你们两个我都很喜欢,但是我只能招一个人

Maybe a few more will put him on his back. 或许再挨几下,他就会倒下了


used to tell somebody to be quiet


1. snoop (around/​round something)to find out private things about somebody, especially by looking secretly around a place

2.snoop (on somebody) journalists snooping on politicians

参考文献:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.


