词为我用 - clairvoyant
clairvoyant TEM8 GRE
UK /ˌkleəˈvɔɪ.ənt/ US /ˌklerˈvɔɪ.ənt/
1. adj, Someone who is believed to be clairvoyant is believed to know about future events or to be able to communicate with dead people.未卜先知的,通灵的
2. noun, A clairvoyant is someone who claims to be clairvoyant.未卜先知的人,通灵大师
1. Excellent lodging is just up the road at the venerable Ventana Inn or the Post Ranch Inn, which in addition to colossal coastal views also offers — on staff — both a shaman and a clairvoyant.(Los Angeles Times)
2. The theory of Section 181 is that it encourages film production in the U.S., but it is hard to see how retroactive enactment encourages production here other than by clairvoyants.(Forbes)
3. In NetworkWorld, Mark Gibbs wrote about predicting crime with big data and comparing it to the Steven Spielberg movie Minority Report, in which police departments use clairvoyants to apprehend criminals before they’ve even committed crimes.(Forbes)
4. Wall Street professionals earn a lot of their oversized paychecks playing the roles of modern-day clairvoyants, peering into the future and telling investors where the economy is heading.(Wall Street Journal)
5. The Future, in a Past Life A clairvoyant medium addressed the editorial staff, and the upheaval of the publishing industry was only one of his predictions.(New York Times)
6. Because the weather of the ocean usually changes more slowly than the weather of the skies, they were also like clairvoyants.(The Guardian)
7. Maybe Coach Byron Scott's words before the game bordered on clairvoyant.(Los Angeles Times)
8. Those of you with your hands raised are either charlatans or clairvoyants, or perhaps a little of both.(New York Times)
9. On Saturday, the Kentucky Derby and Preakness champion California Chrome will prove Arcaro clairvoyant or become the 12th horse to enter the sport’s pantheon.(New York Times)
10. Zara, the "renowned" palm reader and clairvoyant with a hut on the beach, spent her days in the past week talking on her mobile phone instead of peering into the future.(New York Times)
11. There's only one way to settle this and that, of course, is to summon Yawn Scoff Belch Snooze Belch Snooze Whizz Snooze Belch Fiver, the Fiver's very own clairvoyant sloth!(The Guardian)
12. Masdar – like London's new "ideas quarter" around Old Street – on the contrary assumes a clairvoyant sense of what should grow where.(The Guardian)
clairvoyant people
clairvoyantly, clairvoyance
"having psychic gifts, characterized by powers of clairvoyance," 1837, earlier "having insight" (1670s), from special use of French clairvoyant "clear-sighted, discerning, judicious" (13c.), from clair (see clear (adj.)) + voyant "seeing," present participle of voir, from Latin videre "to see" (from PIE root *weid- "to see").
precognitive, predictive, psychic, prophetic, intuitive, mantic, vatic, premonitory, prophet, diviner, spiritualist, visionary, augur
nearsighted, myopic, improvident,shortsighted, imprudent