Ubuntu 17.10 & AOSP 7.1 note
2017-12-13 本文已影响0人
Ubuntu 17.10 install in xps9560
- Freezes at boot time
- it's because the nvidia card does not work well with the open-source driver in this ubuntu version
i. add 'nomodeset' to boot cmd line
ii. after boot into ubuntu, install the proprietary driver for NVIDIA in 'Additional Drivers'
iii. upgrade grub and reboot
AOSP 17.10 build
- Memory issue
ninja: fatal: fork: Cannot allocate memory
- quite weird as I have 16G RAM, and this only happens in ENG build.
MTK SP Flash tool
- install the libusb-dev
sudo apt instatll libusb-dev
- In order to avoid running the flash_tool as root user, you need to add a standard user to the usergroup "dialout"
sudo adduser username dialout
newgrp - dialout
- the above 2 might be enough, but I added a persistent udev rule for the MTK Preloader also:
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/80-persistent-usb.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="0e8d", ATTR{idProduct}=="*"