
Game of Thrones S1-1-5

2017-02-11  本文已影响13人  雪木兰

Game of Thrones S1-1-4


第一季 01 凛冬将至 Winter Is Coming


Cat: All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here.

Ned: You have five northern children. You’re not an outsider.

Cat: I wonder if the old gods agree.

Ned: It’s your gods with all the rules.

Cat: I am so sorry , my love.

Ned: Tell me.

Cat: There was a raven from King’s landing. Jon Arryn is dead. A fever took him. I know he was like a father to you.

Ned: Your sister, the boy?

Cat: They both have their health, gods be good. The raven brought more news. The king rides for Winterfell with the queen and all the rest of them.

Ned: If he’s coming this for north, there’s only one thing he’s after.

Cat: You can always say no, Ned.


国王还没有来,临冬城里为迎接国王一行人的到来,已经忙开了, 从人物对话中我们可以知道,Tyrion是个爱读书、爱喝酒的人(We’ll need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion’s chamber. I’m told he reads all night. I’m told he drinks all night.),王后是个讲究的人(I hear she’s a sleek bit of mink.)。而布兰爬上高高的城墙,早早看到了国王一行人的到来,此时的他还是一个说谎就会低头看脚的小男孩,Arya也是个活泼调皮的小姑娘,他们不知道无忧无虑的生活即将结束了。大家列队迎接国王,大女儿与小王子(拜托,一看就是个混蛋,好嘛!)眉来眼去,国王下马,接下来的台词如下:

Ned: Your Grace.

Robert: You’ve got fat. Haha!   Cat.

Cat: Your Grace.

Robert: Nine years , Why haven’t I seen you? Where the hell have you been?

Ned: Guarding the north for you , Your Grace. Winterfell is yours.

(Arya : Where’s the Imp? Sansa: Will you shut up?)

Robert: Who have we here? You must be Bobb. My, you’re a pretty one. Your name is?

Arya: Arya.

Robert: Oh, Show us your muscles. You’ll be a soldier.

(Arya : That’s Jaime Lannister, the Queen’s twin brother.  Sansa: Would you please shut up?)

Ned: My Queen.

Cat: My Queen.

Robert: Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects.

Cersei: We’ve been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait.

Robert: Ned.

(Arya : Where’s the Imp? )

Cersei: Where is our brother? Go and find the little beast.


Ned: Tell me about Jon Arryn.

Robert:  One minutes he was fine and then, Burned right through him, whatever it was.

Ned: I loved that man.

Robert: We both did. He never had to teach you much , but me? You remember me at 16? All I wanted to do was crack skulls and fuck girls.

Ned: He showed me what was what.

Robert: Aye.  Don’t look at me like that. It’s not his fault I didn’t listen. I need you Ned, down at kings landing, not up here where you’re no damn use to anybody. Lord Eddard Stark, I would  ame you the Hand of the King.

Ned: I’m not worthy of the honor.

Robert: I’m not trying to honor you . I’m trying to get you to run my kingdom while I eat, drink and whore my way to an early grave. Damn it ,Ned, stand up. You helped me with the Iron Throne, now help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If our sister had lived. We’d have been bound by blood, Well, it’s not too late. I have a son ,you have a daughter, we’ll join our houses.

[To be continued]

Game of Thrones S1-1-6

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