

2019-06-18  本文已影响2人  浩然H_H

Libra来了!Facebook在瑞士日内瓦注册的子公司Libra Network,组织了一个Libra.org,今天把白皮书发出来了。虽然之前各家公司都在以各种名义趟区块链的浑水,只有Facebook这次,才算真正地出手!


Libra:天秤座。所以,Facebook的野望,也是和Satoshi Nakamoto们一样,想建立一个更加公平和有效率的,全面替代现有货币/金融体系的"货币体系"吗?

The goal of the Libra Blockchain is to serve as a solid foundation for financial services, including a new global currency, which could meet the daily financial needs of billions of people. Through the process of evaluating existing options, we decided to build a new blockchain based on these three requirements:

  • Able to scale to billions of accounts, which requires high transaction throughput, low latency, and an efficient, high-capacity storage system.
  • Highly secure, to ensure safety of funds and financial data.
  • Flexible, so it can power the Libra ecosystem’s governance as well as future innovation in financial services.

Libra 区块链的目标是成为金融服务的坚实基础,包括打造一种新的全球货币,满足数十亿人的日常金融需求。通 过对现有方案的评估,我们决定基于下列三项要求构建一个新的区块链:

  • 能够扩展到数十亿帐户,这要求区块链具有极高的交易吞吐量和低延迟等特点,并拥有一个高效且高容量 的存储系统。
  • 高度安全可靠,可保障资金和金融数据的安全。
  • 足够灵活,可支持 Libra 生态系统的管理以及未来金融服务领域的创新。

The Libra Blockchain is designed from the ground up to holistically address these requirements and build on the learnings from existing projects and research — a combination of innovative approaches and well- understood techniques. This next section will highlight three decisions regarding the Libra Blockchain:

  1. Designing and using the Move programming language.
  1. Using a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus approach.
  1. Adopting and iterating on widely adopted blockchain data structures.

Libra 区块链就是为了全面满足这些要求,在现有项目和研究的基础上从头开始设计和构建而成的,集合了各种创 新方法和已被充分掌握的技术。下一节将重点介绍有关 Libra 区块链的三项决策:

  1. 设计和使用 Move 编程语言。
  2. 使用拜占庭容错 (BFT) 共识机制。
  3. 采用和迭代改善已广泛采用的区块链数据结构。

从技术上来说,最有趣的部分,可能是这个叫做Move 的新编程语言了!另外,测试网已开源,程序猿们可以赶紧去看代码了:)

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