
2020-10-28  本文已影响0人  边看边想

All colors in Gaming related UIs are consistent and can be used as variables in scss.
In later specs the color variables below will be used.

//Main theme color
$blueFill: #257eff;

//Color for hovering on blue elements (maybe replaced with "filter" property for universal usage)
$blueHover: #0160d6;

//Green for toggle
$green: #32d489;

//Background color for Gaming
$background: #11192c;

//Default background-color for containers
$darkCell: #1f2a42;

//Background-color for popup containers (to make them apart from $darkcell) such as menus/popups
$darkPopup: #293757;

//White color with different opacities
$white: rgba(251, 253, 255, 1);
$white60: rgba(251, 253, 255, 0.6);
$white20: rgba(251, 253, 255, 0.2);
$white10: rgba(251, 253, 255, 0.1);
$white5: rgba(251, 253, 255, 0.05);

//Dark color with different opacicies, mainly for text/elements on light background
$darkText: #135579;
$dark40: rgba(17, 25, 44, 0.4);
$dark20: rgba(17, 25, 44, 0.2);
$dark10: rgba(17, 25, 44, 0.1);
$dark5: rgba(17, 25, 44, 0.05);

