7.25 Habit 6:Synergize(下)
PART 1Words and Expressions
to combine your money, ideas, skills etc with those of other people so that you can all use them
v. 合伙[集中]使用,共用
原句:So they pool those desires.
e.g. We pooled our resources and kownledge to take off our business.
to practise or make people practise something such as a play or concert in order to prepare for a public performance v.排练,预演
e.g.I carefully rehearsed once and once again before giving a speech.
an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts adj.出于直觉的
e.g.The result comfirmed my intuitive feelings.
①to push something somewhere roughly v.猛推,猛塞
②to make a sudden movement forward with a sword or knife
我把它分成th+rust来记,th念起来像“撕”,撕和刺戳的感觉一样,rust 意为生锈,刀剑刺完了不就生锈了嘛,这个记法好歪门邪道啊~
e.g.The famous movie star was thrust into the crowd.
to do what you have to do or are asked to do v.服从,遵守
comply 多于with连用。
comply 和complete(完成,完整的)前面一样。complement意为补充,而compliment是赞美的意思,不要弄混了。
e.g.I should comply with traffic regulation.
PART 2 Summary
In order to fish for the A Third Alternative,the author introduces synergy combined of the high Emotional Bank Account, think win-win,and seeking first to understand.
In fact, many people fall into a trap of negative synergy and want to manipulate because highly dependent people are succeeded in an interdependent reality. The key to interpersonal synergy is intrapersonal embodied in the first three habits.Besides,valuing the differences is the essence of synergy .And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all people see the world as the are.
According to "Force Field Analysis"model, we use the motive of Habit 4, the skill of Habit 5, and the interaction of Habit 6 to work directly on the restraining forces. Finally, the author tells us all nature is synergistic and gives four application suggestions.
PART 3 Thoughts
文中还有一句话Sameness is not oneness;uniformity is not unity.这让我疑惑我们所说的天下大同又是什么意思呢?搜了搜资料,所谓大同,就是指生产资料共有,人们之间没有等级差别、没有剥削压迫、平等和睦相处、各有所得所乐。每个个体都是自由的,每个人的差异都得到尊重和发展。这是一个理想的社会整体,是oneness,是unity,而整体之中又有差异性。
到了后来,便有了‘’各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”的十六字“箴言”。“各美其美”是指各个民族都有自己的价值标准,各自有一套自己认为是美的东西。这些东西在别的民族看来不一定美,甚至会觉得丑恶。然而,民族接触的初期还常常发生强迫别的民族改变他们原有的价值标准来迁就自己的情形,只有在民族间平等地往来频繁之后,人们才开始发现别的民族觉得美的东西自己也觉得美。不仅能容忍不同价值标准的存在,进而能赞赏不同的价值标准,这就是‘’美人之美‘’。这不就是Habit 5要求的尊重差异,理解别人吗?再升华一步,“美美与共”是不同标准融合的结果,也就是Habit 6说的synergize。最终就会达到我们古代人所向往的“天下大同”了。