美国男子从34米高悬崖跳水 导致膝盖韧带撕裂
Daredevil free jumper plummets 112ft into a flooded quarry and tears EVERY ligament and tendon in his knee
美国男子从34米高悬崖跳水 导致膝盖韧带撕裂
This video shows the terrifying moment a daredevil plummeted off a 112ft cliff into the murky water below - shattering his knee in the process.
Captured at a quarry in Vermont, New England nicknamed 'the Grotto', the footage shows Ryan Szymanski, 22, jumping off the cliff as onlookers cheer him on.
视频显示,在美国新英格兰佛蒙特州一个名为“石窟”采石场,22岁的瑞恩*斯齐曼斯基(Ryan Szymanski)在旁观者的欢呼声中,从悬崖上纵身跳下。
It then shows the horrendous aftermath of the jump, with Ryan in hospital after he tore every ligament and tendon in his knee.
Now on the road to recovery, Ryan says that the experience was 'pretty surreal'.
He said: 'I used to do free-running and gymnastics but continuously injured my shoulders so I transitioned into cliff jumping and diving.
'The only other injuries I've sustained while cliff jumping only resulted in severe bruising.
'I've also felt incredibly fortunate from the beginning to have the resources and friends available that have made recovery possible.
'Everyone immediately sprung into action to help stabilize my leg and get me to the ER.