2016-10-09 本文已影响35人
Dialogue 1
- A: How do you do? It's nice to finally meet you.
- B: How do you do? I'm glad to meet you, too.
- A: I have heard your name many times before.
- B: Really?
- A: Yes. I hope you have a good time during your stay here.
- B: Thank you.
Dialogue 2
- A: Good afternoon, Susan. It's great to see you again. Did you have a good flight?
- B: Yes, it was a pleasant trip. I was a little tired yesterday. But I'm ok now.
- A: Glad to hear that, if you're ready, I'd like to introduce you to some of our key personnel.
- B: Let's go.
Dialogue 3
- A: I'm pleased to meet you. I'm Amenda the man who's in charge of marketing.
- B: Glad to meet you. I'm Eric. So are you the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures I've seen? I must say you have a great staff.
- A: Thank you. I think you'll find all of our staffs are top-notch.
- B: I'm already convinced of that. Well, I'd like to see our manufacturing operation now, if I could.
new words
personnel /pɜːsə'nel/ n. (总称)人员; 员工 人事部门
responsible /rɪ'spɒnsɪb(ə)l/ adj. 负有责任的, 需承担责任的 需对…负责的 尽责的, 可靠的 责任重大的
outstanding /aʊt'stændɪŋ/ adj. 突出的; 杰出的 未偿付的, 未解决的 地位显著的; 为人瞩目的
figures /'figəs/ n. 图形,图表;价格,金额,数字;规定动作;人物(figure的复数)
staff /stɑːf/ n. 全体职员; 教职员 参谋, 幕僚
top-notch /'tɔp'nɔtʃ/ adj. [口]最高质量的;第一流的 n. 最高度
convinced /kənˈvɪnst/ adj. 确信的 有坚定信仰的
manufacturing /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərɪŋ/ n. 制造业,工业 adj. 制造业的;制造的