
2018-01-11 Hadoop Platform and A

2018-01-11  本文已影响0人  鸭鸭学语言

Overview of the Types of Hadoop-based application:


    Avro: It lets us use date structures within context of Hadoop MapReduce jobs, so process data very efficiently.

    HBase: distributed non-relational database

    Cassandra: distributed data management system


    Pig: analyzing large data sets in HDFS, it has its own high-level language (Pig Latin) for you.

    Hive: Query and manage large datasets in HDFS or in HBase, with a SQL-like interface.

    Impala: High-performance and low-tatency query with SQL-like interface, providing from Cloudera VM (Hue).

    Spark: General processing engine for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph processing

Machine Learning/Graph Processing

    Giraph: Iterative graph processing using Hadoop framework

    Mahout: Framework for machine learning applications using Hadoop, Spark.

    Spark: General processing engine for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph processing

Apache Pig

Two componets:

    Own script language - PigLatin. PigLatin can be embedded in host language like Java

    Infrastructure Layer - it takes what we wrote in PigLatin, and transforms into back-end jobs of Tez or MapReduce, etc.


    extract / transform / load / handling "raw" data. more


    It has built-in operators and functions, as well as supporting us to write constant functions if we have complex processing to do.

Use cases:

Step1 . Put a passwd into HDFS

    [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -put /etc/passwd /user/cloudera/

        * Command "hadoop fs ..." == "hdfs dfs ..."

Step 2. With  MapReduce as execution type and launch Pig inteactive shell "grunt"

    [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ pig -x mapreduce           --> it use MapReduce to track data and print it out.


Step 3. wrote PigLatin - PigLatin need ';' to end one command. Like below:

     grunt> A = load '/user/cloudera/passwd' using PigStorage(':');        --> telling the deparator is colon

    grunt> B = foreach A generate $0, $4, $5 ;                                     --> doing the sub-setting part

    grunt> dump B;

Step 4. Store B output into HDFS

    grunt> store B into 'userinfo.out';

    grunt> quit;

Step 5. Check the result

     [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/cloudera/

Apache Hive

Two componets:

    SQL Language - HiveQL

    Interactive Client - beeline / Hive own CLI / Hcatalog / WebHcat. It takes what we wrote in HiveQL, and transforms into back-end jobs of Tez or Spark, MapReduce, Yarn, etc.


    As Data warehouse software, handling data in HDFS, HBase. It can do:

        Date mining, analytics

        Machine Learning

        Ad hoc analysis


    It has built-in operators and functions.

Use cases:

    Step 1. Put a passwd into HDFS

        [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -put /etc/passwd /tmp/

    Step 2. lauch beeline with DB URL

        [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ beeline -u jdbc:hive2://

    step 3. Create table 'userinfo'

    Step 4. Overwrite table with the data from HDFS /tmp/passwd  and then do querying

Apache HBase

Two componets:

    SQL Language - like Hive, Spart, Impala.

    Interactive Shell - hbase shell (Other options: HBase MapReduce / HBase API/ HBase External API). It takes what we wrote, and runs it on top of HDFS.


    Scalable data store as Non-relational distributed database


    Compression - lower the network traffic and the size of data on the disk

    In-memory operations - MemStore, BlockCache

    Consistency - data transation between ?? without intermediate changes

    High Availability - spreads out "keys" across nodes/various regions, and it has its owne replication as well as HDFS replication mechanism.

    Automatic Shareing - table is distributed in regions that could benifit performance

    Security - authorization process for both client side and server side

Use cases:

    Step 1. Launch hbase shell

        [cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hbase shell


    Step 2. Create table 'userinfotable'

    Step 3. Fill data for the table and scan data

Lesson 5 Slides

Other applications/Services start/check , for zookeeper,  Hive-metastore, hadoop-httpfs

Following are references for some of the material covered:

    Pig Documentation:


    Pig Latin basics:


    HIVE Language Manual:


    HBase Reference Guide:


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