Chapter 3--Trevor, Pray

2017-10-04  本文已影响0人  麦芽524


Part 1 Words

1. Live up to

原文:He was trying to live up to this image of what he thought a husband should be, dominant, controlling.

解释:fulfil the requirements or expectations of , 原文中的意思应该为“做到”,这个词还有“不辜负”的意思~

例句:They try to live up to finish this year's target.

The son really lived up to his father's expectations,;he was great at his job.

2. Patriarch

原文:Dinky was trying to masquerade as this patriarch that he wasn't.

解释:a men who controls a family, tribe , group or government; patri(父)➕arch(统治),后面文章还提到了matriarch 女家长,意思相反

例句:The patriarch of the tribe is highly respected.

3.douse ...with

原文: Sibongile was right behind him with a pot of boiling water, cursing at him and threatening to douse him with it.

解释:(a fire) to stop burning By pouring or spraying water on it

例句:The fireman douses the fire with water.

4. Recourse

原文:In Soweto you were always hearing about men getting doused with pots of boiling water - often a woman's only recourse.

解释: an opportunity or chance to use or do something in order to deal with the problem or situation;

例句:His last recourse was to paint SOS on the rocks and hope a plane saw it.

Part 2. Thoughts in Chinese


文中最精彩的部分莫过于,写他在家拉屎的经过,哈哈,奇葩啊,感觉在看王小波的小说一样,写了一大段,从拉屎可以说到平等,再到佩服他自己的聪明。“办事”中途,遭遇“陈咬金”,与其斗志斗勇,终于大事办完mission accomplished.  最后所有的一大群人和他自己还要为他的这坨屎祈祷,哈哈,真的是笑着看完,画面感很强!


Part 3 Summary

The whole chapter was about the environment where Trevor lived .  He grew up in a world by women. The same situation happened in other families. Apartheid had taken away most of men.  Women and kids were left. Religion filled the void left by absent men. So praying meetings became their daily activities , which was very important. They believed God will help to cast demons away. They even thought that shit was also a demon . What a big irony!

Although life was so hard, local people also have a dream. Their dream was to transform the ghetto.  They built house step by step , by save up money year after year. There was no car, yet almost everyone had a driveway. The story of Soweto is the story of the driveways. It is a hopeful place.

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