Planet in STK

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Name Means 中文
Ariel N the smallest of the four large satellites of Uranus 艾瑞尔; 天王星的卫星
Callisto N the second largest (but faintest) of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter, discovered in 1610 by Galileo. Approximate diameter: 4800 km; orbital radius: 1 883 000 km 木卫四; 木星四颗卫星中第二大的一颗,也是最暗的一颗,于1610年被伽利略发现
Ceres N the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system, located in the asteroid belt. It has a diameter of 930 kilometres 谷神星
Deimos N the smaller of the two satellites of Mars and the more distant from the planet. Approximate diameter: 13 km 火卫二; 火星两颗卫星中较小且较远的一颗,与火星距离大概为13km
Dione N a Titaness; the earliest consort of Zeus and mother of Aphrodite 狄俄涅; 提坦女神,宙斯的最早配偶,女神阿芙洛狄忒的母亲
Earth the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on 你球
Enceladus N a very bright satellite of Saturn;N a giant who was punished for his rebellion against the gods by a fatal blow from a stone cast by Athena. He was believed to be buried under Mount Etna in Sicily 土卫二;恩刻拉多斯; 百臂巨人,因反抗众神被雅典娜扔出的石头一击致死,被认为葬于西西里的埃纳火山下
Europa N the smallest of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter. Diameter: 3138 km; orbital radius: 671 000 km;N a Phoenician princess who had three children by Zeus in Crete, where he had taken her after assuming the guise of a white bull. Their offspring were Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Sarpedon 木卫二;尤罗芭; 宙斯所爱的腓尼基公主
Ganymede N the brightest and largest of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter, and the largest in the solar system. Diameter: 5262 km; orbital radius: 1 070 000 km ;N a beautiful Trojan youth who was abducted by Zeus to Olympus and made the cupbearer of the gods 木卫三;在天庭为众神司酒的克洛伊英俊少年
Hyperion N an irregular-shaped outer satellite of the planet Saturn that tumbles chaotically;N a Titan, son of Uranus and Gaea, father of Helios (sun), Selene (moon), and Eos (dawn) 土卫七;许珀里翁; 泰坦神族的一员
lapetus 拉匹特斯(Lapetus):十二泰坦之一。普罗米修斯,厄毗米修斯和阿忒拉斯之父。
Io N the innermost of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter, displaying intense volcanic activity. Diameter: 3640 km; orbital radius: 422 000 km n. 艾奥(希腊神话中宙斯的情人);[天] 木卫一;木卫一
Jupiter N (in Roman tradition) the king and ruler of the Olympian gods; the largest of the planets and the fifth from the sun. It has 16 satellites and is surrounded by a transient planar ring system consisting of dust particles. Mean distance from sun: 778 million km; period of revolution around sun: 11.86 years; period of axial rotation: 9.83 hours; diameter and mass: 11.2 and 317.9 times that of earth respectively 木星 (罗马传说中的)朱庇特; 奥林匹亚的众神之主 (Greek counterpart Zeus)
Mars N the Roman god of war, the father of Romulus and Remus;N the fourth planet from the sun, having a reddish-orange surface with numerous dark patches and two white polar caps. It has a thin atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide, and low surface temperatures. Spacecraft encounters have revealed a history of volcanic activity and running surface water. The planet has two tiny satellites, Phobos and Deimos. Mean distance from sun: 228 million km; period of revolution around sun: 686.98 days; period of axial rotation: 24.6225 hours; diameter and mass: 53.2 and 10.7 per cent that of earth respectively 火星 (Also called the Red Planet);马耳斯; 罗马战神,罗姆拉斯和雷姆斯之父 (Greek counterpart Ares)
Mercury N the messenger of the gods ;N the second smallest planet and the nearest to the sun. Mean distance from sun: 57.9 million km; period of revolution around sun: 88 days; period of axial rotation: 59 days; diameter and mass: 38 and 5.4 per cent that of earth respectively 水星;墨丘利; 上帝的信使 (Greek counterpart Hermes)
Mimas N a satellite of the planet Saturn 土卫一
Moon the round object that you can see shining in the sky at night, and that moves around the Earth every 28 days 你月
Neptune N the eighth planet from the sun, having eight satellites, the largest being Triton and Nereid, and a faint planar system of rings or ring fragments. Mean distance from sun: 4497 million km; period of revolution around sun: 164.8 years; period of rotation: 14 to 16 hours; diameter and mass: 4.0 and 17.2 times that of earth respectively N the Roman god of the sea (古罗马神话中的)海神尼普顿 (Greek counterpart Poseidon) 海王星
Phobos N the larger of the two satellites of Mars and the closer to the planet. Approximate diameter (although it has an irregular shape): 23 km 火卫一
Phoebe N a Titaness, who later became identified with Artemis (Diana) as goddess of the moon N the outermost satellite of the planet Saturn. It has retrograde motion and a dark surface 土卫九; 福柏; 女提坦,后被认为是月亮女神阿尔提米斯
Pluto N the second-largest dwarf planet in the solar system, located in the Kuiper belt; discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh (1906–97); classified as a planet until 2006, when it was reclassified as a dwarf planet. It has a diameter of 2390 km;N the god of the underworld; Hades 冥王星
Rhea N a Titaness, wife of Cronus and mother of several of the gods, including Zeus: a fertility goddess N the second largest satellite of the planet Saturn 第二大的土星卫星 ;瑞亚; 泰坦女神之一,克洛诺斯的妻子,宙斯和其他诸神的母亲,主管丰收的女神 (Roman counterpart Ops)
Saturn N one of the giant planets, the sixth planet from the sun, around which revolve planar concentric rings (Saturn's rings) consisting of small frozen particles. The planet has at least 30 satellites. Mean distance from sun: 1425 million km; period of revolution around sun: 29.41 years; period of axial rotation: 10.23 hours; equatorial diameter and mass: 9.26 and 95.3 times that of the earth, respectively 土星
Sun The sun is the ball of fire in the sky that the Earth goes around, and that gives us heat and light. 你日
Titan N the largest satellite of the planet Saturn, having a thick atmosphere consisting mainly of nitrogen. Diameter: 5150 km N any of a family of primordial gods, the sons and daughters of Uranus (sky) and Gaea (earth) 土卫六;泰坦族成员; 天神尤拉那斯和地神吉亚所生的子女组成的神族
Titania N the largest of the satellites of Uranus and the second furthest from the planet ;N (in medieval folklore) the queen of the fairies and wife of Oberon 天王卫三;泰坦妮亚; 中世纪民间传说中奥伯龙之妻和仙女之王
Triton N the largest satellite of the planet Neptune. Diameter: 2700 km ;N a sea god, son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, depicted as having the upper parts of a man with a fish's tail and holding a trumpet made from a conch shell 海王卫一;特里同; 一个海神,海神波塞冬及安菲特里忒之子,上身是人下身是鱼尾,拿着一个海螺壳的号
Uranus N one of the giant planets, the seventh planet from the sun, sometimes visible to the naked eye. It has about 15 satellites, a ring system, and an axis of rotation almost lying in the plane of the orbit. Mean distance from sun: 2870 million km; period of revolution around sun: 84 years; period of axial rotation: 17.23 hours; diameter and mass: 4 and 14.5 times that of earth respectively N the personification of the sky, who, as a god, ruled the universe and fathered the Titans and Cyclopes on his wife and mother Gaea (earth). He was overthrown by his son Cronus 乌拉诺斯; 天空的拟人化身,掌管宇宙,被其子克洛诺斯推翻 天王星
Venus N one of the inferior planets and the second nearest to the sun, visible as a bright morning or evening star. Its surface is extremely hot (over 400°C) and is completely shrouded by dense cloud. The atmosphere is principally carbon dioxide. Mean distance from sun: 108 million km; period of revolution around sun: 225 days; period of axial rotation: 244.3 days (retrograde motion); diameter and mass: 96.5 and 81.5 per cent that of earth respectively ;N the Roman goddess of love 金星 维纳斯; 罗马爱神 (Greek counterpart Aphrodite)
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