
2020-07-17  本文已影响0人  Pentacle_V



loom 隐约出现

topple the candle 倾倒,倒下

balefully 凶恶地

acrid 辛辣刺鼻的

at large 大范围的,在逃的

looking apprehensive 惶惑的,担心的

collecting cutlery 刀具

own accord 自愿的

being lousy 讨厌的

flit across 轻轻地掠过

break monotony 解闷

a sudden upsurge of ……的猛增,……的高涨

bracingly 令人振奋地

sat on my backside 臀部

dismal kitchen 阴暗的

distaste 讨厌

emboss with

flagon 酒壶

hurtle through 冲过去

ominously 不吉利地

wrench 扭拉

shoot off (气)炸掉

the chink 叮当声

protuberance 突起的

oblige 效劳

take sides 偏袒

give anything away 泄漏

go over to 朝……走去

gormless 笨头笨脑的

rhubarb crumble 大黄面包屑

crooks 骗子

tight spot 紧要关头

waistband 束腰带,腰带

replete 饱食的

frisson (因激动,恐惧产生的)颤抖

drowsiness 睡意

uncannily 惊异的

Which bit? 哪一点?

act rashly 鲁莽地

general picture 概貌

garbled version 含糊不清的

purge 清除

molly coddling 娇养

shrewd idea 精明的

shift his position 改变态度或者观点

wry smile 歪斜的

overthrow 打倒,推翻

Deep down 事实上

destabilize him 使不稳定,动摇

rumor-monger 造谣,造谣者

occupational hazard 职业病

shoot their mouths off 说漏嘴

a real asset 有效的资本,真实资产

demote him from 从……降级

defy 不服从,公然反抗

wise to 明智的

beckon imperiously to her sons 专横地

defeat 挫败

followed suit= to do the same thing as other 照着做

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