Show detail hold violation remai
2019-07-17 本文已影响0人
setOptMode -verbose true
optDesign –holdVioData <filename>
If optDesign is unable to fix some hold violations, the reasons it failed to fix them are automatically output to the log file. See setOptMode in the Innovus Text Command Reference for explanation of these (scroll to the bottom of the page).
Set setOptMode -verbose true to report the list of net names with hold violations to the verbose log file (*.logv).
Reasons for remaining hold violations
*info: Total 1 net(s) have violated hold timing slacks.
Buffering failure reasons
*info: 1 net(s): Could not be fixed as the violating term's net is marked IPO ignored.
Resizing failure reasons
*info: 1 net(s): Could not be fixed because of hold slack degradation.
The verbose log file also has detailed information for each phase of hold fixing. So, you can monitor how it progressed and where any timing jumps are, if they occur.
In Innovus, you can use the -holdVioData option with optDesign to generate detailed reports on the remaining hold violations as follows:
optDesign –holdVioData <filename>
optDesign will then generate the following three files:
<filename>.txt – top 50 hold paths
<filename>.csv – top 50 hold paths, CSV version
<filename>Detailed.txt – detailed info on top 50 hold paths
Use setOptMode –reportHoldPathLimit <n> to control how many paths the reports contain. Default is 50.