2019-06-21  本文已影响0人  小贩说

The adventure of the lost heirs begins when Shay and her friend Giustinia run into Harena at the Fleurdes Îles café. This happens in the early two-thousands, at the same time that a criminal at large on Anjavavy Island is cutting off people’s heads. The mysterious beheadings are not connected to the events recounted here, except to establish the lawlessness that is always present behind the dazzling Anjavavy panorama of sugar-white beaches and cobalt sea. The crimes begin to surface one hot January morning, as a French hotel manager is taking his predawn constitutional along Rokely Bay and spies through a mist of sand flies something just above the tide line that looks like an unhusked coconut. It turns out to be a human head, one that was lastseen on the shoulders of a part-time sweeper at the Frenchman’s hotel.

This happens in the early two-thousands, at the same time that a criminal at large on Anjavavy Island is cutting off people's heads.

句型:This happens in xx, at the same time that.......


短语:cut off



The mysterious beheadings are not connected to the events recounted here, except to establish the lawlessness that is always present behind the dazzling Anjavavy panorama of sugar-white beaches and cobalt sea.

单词:beheading: behead的名词形式,cut the head off

recount:if you recount a story or event, you tell or describe it to the people. 叙述、描述

except:除了。。。。    用法: 此处作连词用法。




句型:.......not....., except to........



The crimes begin to surface one hot January morning, as a French hotel manager is taking his predawn constitutional along Rokely Bay and spies through a mist of sand flies something just above the tide line that looks like an unhusked coconut. 

单词:predawn: 黎明前

constitutional: 常见的意思是宪法相关的,此处指保健散步、保健运动。

unhusked: 不去壳的。  husk有皮、剥皮的意思。

tide line: 涨潮线

a mist of sand flies

句子:句子结构看似很复杂,其实只要拨出非主体部分,就剩下了The crimes begins to surface one hot january morning, as a french hotel manager is taking.....and spies something that...


It turns out to be a human head, one that was lastseen on the shoulders of a part-time sweeper at the Frenchman’s hotel.

单词:sweeper: 清洁工



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