《沟通的艺术》CH5 情绪管理,学会用语言表达情绪
1. 情绪表达可以是非语言性的,也可以是语言性的,语言性的表达在人际沟通时有往往更有效。
Putting emotions into words can help you manage them more effectively, while leaving them unspoken can result in negative mental and even physiological effects.
2. 用语言表达情绪是,最大的问题是我们的表达不准确。一旦你决定表达自己的情绪,就必须准确表达。
If you do decide to express your feeling, you can be most clear by making sure that both you and your partner understand that your feeling is centered on a specific set of circumstances rather than being indicative of the whole relationship. Instead of saying “I resent you,” say “I resent you when you don’t keep your promises.” Rather than saying “I’m bored with you,” say “I’m bored when you talk about your money.”