关于各个数据库递归(start with connect by
2017-07-03 本文已影响0人
select a.id from hrmsubcompany a start with a.id=2 connect by prior a.id = a.supsubcomid;
SQL Server/DB2:
WITH allsub(id,subcompanyname,supsubcomid) as (
SELECT id,subcompanyname ,supsubcomid FROM HrmSubCompany where id=2
UNION ALL SELECT a.id,a.subcompanyname,a.supsubcomid FROM HrmSubCompany a,allsub b where a.supsubcomid = b.id
select * from allsub
-- 起始值为2,获得所有父节点(包括自己)
select t.id from (
select @id idlist,
(select @id:=group_concat(supsubcomid separator ',') from hrmsubcompany where find_in_set(id,@id)) sub
from hrmsubcompany,(select @id:=2) vars
where @id is not null) tl,hrmsubcompany t
where find_in_set(t.id,tl.idlist);
-- 起始值为2,获得所有父节点(包括自己)
select tl.lv,t.* from (
select @id idlist, @lv:=@lv+1 lv,
(select @id:=group_concat(pid separator ',') from treenodes where find_in_set(id,@id)) sub
from treenodes,(select @id:=2,@lv:=0) vars
where @id is not null) tl,treenodes t
where find_in_set(t.id,tl.idlist);
select a.id from hrmsubcompany a start with a.id=2 connect by prior a.supsubcomid = a.id;
SQL Server/DB2:
WITH allsub(id,subcompanyname,supsubcomid) as (
SELECT id,subcompanyname ,supsubcomid FROM HrmSubCompany where id=2
UNION ALL SELECT a.id,a.subcompanyname,a.supsubcomid FROM HrmSubCompany a,allsub b where a.id = b.supsubcomid
select * from allsub
-- 起始值为2,获得所有父节点(包括自己)
select t.id from (
select @id idlist,
(select @id:=group_concat(id separator ',') from hrmsubcompany where find_in_set(pid,@id)) sub
from hrmsubcompany,(select @id:=2) vars
where @id is not null) tl,hrmsubcompany t
where find_in_set(t.id,tl.idlist);
-- 起始值为2,获得所有子节点(包括自己)
select tl.lv,t.* from (
select @id idlist, @lv:=@lv+1 lv,
(select @id:=group_concat(id separator ',') from treenodes where find_in_set(pid,@id)) sub
from treenodes,(select @id:=2,@lv:=0) vars
where @id is not null) tl,treenodes t
where find_in_set(t.id,tl.idlist);