

2020-10-22  本文已影响0人  刘佳阔

title: ffmpeg_sample解读_demuxing_decoing
date: 2020-10-21 10:15:02
tags: [读书笔记]
typora-copy-images-to: ./imgs
typora-root-url: ./imgs

整体流程是把数据的mp4 文件分配解码出音频流和视频流.然后通过格式上下文里的信息构建各自的解码器上下文.

然后从输入文件中读出一个一个的packet. 在根据packet 的流索引分别进行音频流和视频流的解码.通过解码器上下文解码成frame帧. 送入各自的缓存中.最后分别写入原生视频文件.和原生音频文件.


graph TB
    C--> |yes|openV["open_codec_context(video)"]
    C--> |no|openA["open_codec_context(audio)"]
    openA--> steam[av_find_best_stream]
    image--> frame[av_frame_alloc]
    opendecodeA -->frame
    readframe -->|yes|decodePacket[decode_packet]
    readframe -->|no|freeSource
    decodePacket --> sendPacket[avcodec_send_packet]
    receiveframe-->|no| no[no]
    no --> readframe
    outframe -->|yes|copy[av_image_copy]
    outframe -->|no|fwriteA[fwrite]
    fwrite -->unref[av_frame_unref]
    fwriteA -->unref[av_frame_unref]




 * @file
 * Demuxing and decoding example.
 * Show how to use the libavformat and libavcodec API to demux and
 * decode audio and video data.
 * @example demuxing_decoding.c

#include <libavutil/imgutils.h>
#include <libavutil/samplefmt.h>
#include <libavutil/timestamp.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include "../macro.h"

static AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx = NULL;
static AVCodecContext *video_dec_ctx = NULL, *audio_dec_ctx;
static int width, height;
static enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt;
static AVStream *video_stream = NULL, *audio_stream = NULL;
static const char *src_filename = NULL;
static const char *video_dst_filename = NULL;
static const char *audio_dst_filename = NULL;
static FILE *video_dst_file = NULL;
static FILE *audio_dst_file = NULL;

static uint8_t *video_dst_data[4] = {NULL};
static int video_dst_linesize[4];
static int video_dst_bufsize;

static int video_stream_idx = -1, audio_stream_idx = -1;
static AVFrame *frame = NULL;
static AVPacket pkt;
static int video_frame_count = 0;
static int audio_frame_count = 0;

 * 输出 视频帧.
 * @param frame
 * @return
static int output_video_frame(AVFrame *frame) {
    if (frame->width != width || frame->height != height ||
        frame->format != pix_fmt) {
        /* To handle this change, one could call av_image_alloc again and
         * decode the following frames into another rawvideo file. */
        LOGE("Error: Width, height and pixel format have to be "
             "constant in a rawvideo file, but the width, height or "
             "pixel format of the input video changed:\n"
             "old: width = %d, height = %d, format = %s\n"
             "new: width = %d, height = %d, format = %s\n",
             width, height, av_get_pix_fmt_name(pix_fmt),
             frame->width, frame->height,
        return -1;

    printf("video_frame n:%d coded_n:%d\n",
           video_frame_count++, frame->coded_picture_number);

    /* copy decoded frame to destination buffer:
     * this is required since rawvideo expects non aligned data *///原始书序不需要对齐
    //吧数据从 frame->data 到 video_dst_data中. 二者的宽高,帧的格式应该是一样的
    //frame->data, frame->linesize 是入参,      video_dst_data, video_dst_linesize,是出餐,一个指向部分,一个是行数
    av_image_copy(video_dst_data, video_dst_linesize,
                  (const uint8_t **) (frame->data), frame->linesize,
                  pix_fmt, width, height);

    /* write to rawvideo file */
    //把video_dst_data中的数据.全部写到视频输出文件中, 数量是 video_dst_bufsize.
    // 这是之前根据video的宽高,pix_format 生成的image的大小.
    fwrite(video_dst_data[0], 1, video_dst_bufsize, video_dst_file);
    return 0;

 * 输出音频真到文件总
 * @param frame
 * @return
static int output_audio_frame(AVFrame *frame) {
    //输出音频帧,音频真大小是i 采样数* 每个采样的字节数 (疑问 这里没有涉及通道了)
    size_t unpadded_linesize = frame->nb_samples * av_get_bytes_per_sample(frame->format);
    printf("audio_frame n:%d nb_samples:%d pts:%s\n",
           audio_frame_count++, frame->nb_samples,
           av_ts2timestr(frame->pts, &audio_dec_ctx->time_base));

    /* Write the raw audio data samples of the first plane. This works
     * fine for packed formats (e.g. AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16). However,
     * most audio decoders output planar audio, which uses a separate
     * plane of audio samples for each channel (e.g. AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P).
     * In other words, this code will write only the first audio channel
     * in these cases.
     * You should use libswresample or libavfilter to convert the frame
     * to packed data. */
    //这里解释了这里只输出了单通道的声音. 说明如果有多通道.不能用这种方式输出
    fwrite(frame->extended_data[0], 1, unpadded_linesize, audio_dst_file);

    return 0;

 * 解码packet 中的内容,看了几个sample后.这里的代码基本是常规写法了
 * @param dec
 * @param pkt
 * @return
static int decode_packet(AVCodecContext *dec, const AVPacket *pkt) {
    int ret = 0;

    // submit the packet to the decoder
    ret = avcodec_send_packet(dec, pkt); //把数据发送到解码器中
    if (ret < 0) {
        LOGE("Error submitting a packet for decoding (%s)\n", av_err2str(ret));
        return ret;

    // get all the available frames from the decoder
    while (ret >= 0) {
        ret = avcodec_receive_frame(dec, frame);//从解码器中读取frame帧数据
        if (ret < 0) {
            // those two return values are special and mean there is no output
            // frame available, but there were no errors during decoding
            if (ret == AVERROR_EOF || ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN))
                return 0;

            LOGE("Error during decoding (%s)\n", av_err2str(ret));
            return ret;

        // write the frame data to output file//分别对视频帧和音频真进行处理,
        if (dec->codec->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
            ret = output_video_frame(frame);
            ret = output_audio_frame(frame);
        //释放帧.以便继续while循环使用. 因为一个packet里可能有多个frame.所以多次取.
        if (ret < 0)
            return ret;

    return 0;

 * 根据格式上下文fmt_ctx ,找到数据流并生产解码器,最终生成解码流的索引和解码上下文,
 * @param stream_idx 数据流索引,这是结果
 * @param dec_ctx 解码上下文,这是产生的结果
 * @param fmt_ctx  输入文件的格式上下文
 * @param type 音频还是视频
 * @return
static int open_codec_context(int *stream_idx,
                              AVCodecContext **dec_ctx, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx,
                              enum AVMediaType type) {
    int ret, stream_index;
    AVStream *st;
    AVCodec *dec = NULL;
    AVDictionary *opts = NULL;

    //根据type类型找到最合适的流. 视频就找视频流.音频找音频流 返回结果就是留的索引
    ret = av_find_best_stream(fmt_ctx, type, -1, -1, NULL, 0);
    if (ret < 0) {
        LOGE("Could not find %s stream in input file '%s'\n",
             av_get_media_type_string(type), src_filename);
        return ret;
    } else {
        stream_index = ret;
        st = fmt_ctx->streams[stream_index];//找到的数据流

        /* find decoder for the stream */ //通过流的编码参数的id 找到解码器
        dec = avcodec_find_decoder(st->codecpar->codec_id);
        if (!dec) {
            LOGE("Failed to find %s codec\n",
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);

        /* Allocate a codec context for the decoder *///初始化编解码上下文,这是输出文件的编解码上下文
        *dec_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(dec);
        if (!*dec_ctx) {
            LOGE("Failed to allocate the %s codec context\n",
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        /* Copy codec parameters from input stream to output codec context */
        if ((ret = avcodec_parameters_to_context(*dec_ctx, st->codecpar)) < 0) {
            LOGE("Failed to copy %s codec parameters to decoder context\n",
            return ret;

        /* Init the decoders *///使用解码器来初始化 解码器上下文参数
        if ((ret = avcodec_open2(*dec_ctx, dec, &opts)) < 0) {
            LOGE("Failed to open %s codec\n",
            return ret;

        *stream_idx = stream_index;

    return 0;

static int get_format_from_sample_fmt(const char **fmt,
                                      enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt) {
    int i;
    struct sample_fmt_entry {
        enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt;
        const char *fmt_be, *fmt_le;
    } sample_fmt_entries[] = {
            {AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8,  "u8",    "u8"},
            {AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, "s16be", "s16le"},
            {AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, "s32be", "s32le"},
            {AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, "f32be", "f32le"},
            {AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, "f64be", "f64le"},
    *fmt = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(sample_fmt_entries); i++) {
        struct sample_fmt_entry *entry = &sample_fmt_entries[i];
        if (sample_fmt == entry->sample_fmt) {
            *fmt = AV_NE(entry->fmt_be, entry->fmt_le);
            return 0;

            "sample format %s is not supported as output format\n",
    return -1;

 * avformat_open_input():打开输入文件,初始化输入的AVFormatContext。
avformat_find_stream_info() : 读取视音频数据来获取一些相关的信息。
avcodec_parameters_to_context() : 使用AVCodecParameters来填充AVCodecContext。
读取一个输入文件.然后通过format_context 格式上下文分别找出对应的音频视频的流索引,
 然后在通过av_read_frame 读取数据包.针对音频包和视频包送入各自的解码器解码
 然后视频把解码后的视频帧.放入通过av_image_alloc 分配的图片缓冲中,在写入文件
 音频则是只写入的单通道的数据. 双通道则需要别的函数支持
 * @param argc
 * @param argv
 * @return
int demuxing_decoding_main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int ret = 0;

    if (argc != 4) {
        LOGE("usage: %s  input_file video_output_file audio_output_file\n"
             "API example program to show how to read frames from an input file.\n"
             "This program reads frames from a file, decodes them, and writes decoded\n"
             "video frames to a rawvideo file named video_output_file, and decoded\n"
             "audio frames to a rawaudio file named audio_output_file.\n",
    src_filename = argv[1];
    video_dst_filename = argv[2];
    audio_dst_filename = argv[3];

    /* open input file, and allocate format context */
    if (avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, src_filename, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
        LOGE("Could not open source file %s\n", src_filename);

    /* retrieve stream information */
    if (avformat_find_stream_info(fmt_ctx, NULL) < 0) {
        LOGE("Could not find stream information\n");
    if (open_codec_context(&video_stream_idx, &video_dec_ctx, fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) >= 0) {
        video_stream = fmt_ctx->streams[video_stream_idx];
        video_dst_file = fopen(video_dst_filename, "wb");
        if (!video_dst_file) {
            LOGE("Could not open destination file %s\n", video_dst_filename);
            ret = 1;
            goto end;

        /* allocate image where the decoded image will be put */
        width = video_dec_ctx->width;//960
        height = video_dec_ctx->height; //400
        pix_fmt = video_dec_ctx->pix_fmt; //AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P
        //用给定的宽,高, 图片格式,来分配一个图片内存,ret表示图片内存大小,我理解这里是存一帧解码后的压缩画面的
        //新分配的空间在video_dat_data中, 大小就是ret
        ret = av_image_alloc(video_dst_data, video_dst_linesize,
                             width, height, pix_fmt, 1);
        if (ret < 0) {
            LOGE("Could not allocate raw video buffer\n");
            goto end;
        video_dst_bufsize = ret;
    if (open_codec_context(&audio_stream_idx, &audio_dec_ctx, fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) >= 0) {
        audio_stream = fmt_ctx->streams[audio_stream_idx];
        audio_dst_file = fopen(audio_dst_filename, "wb");
        if (!audio_dst_file) {
            LOGE("Could not open destination file %s\n", audio_dst_filename);
            ret = 1;
            goto end;

    /* dump input information to stderr *///获取输入文件的流的相关信息
    av_dump_format(fmt_ctx, 0, src_filename, 0);

    if (!audio_stream && !video_stream) {
        LOGE("Could not find audio or video stream in the input, aborting\n");
        ret = 1;
        goto end;
    frame = av_frame_alloc();
    if (!frame) {
        LOGE("Could not allocate frame\n");
        ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        goto end;

    //初始化一个packet  常规最烦了
    /* initialize packet, set data to NULL, let the demuxer fill it */
    pkt.data = NULL;
    pkt.size = 0;

    if (video_stream)
        printf("Demuxing video from file '%s' into '%s'\n", src_filename, video_dst_filename);
    if (audio_stream)
        printf("Demuxing audio from file '%s' into '%s'\n", src_filename, audio_dst_filename);

    /* read frames from the file */
    //从格式上下文中读取一帧 (packet),这是未解码的数据.可能是音频,可能是视频.需要再从packet中通过解码器解码出frame来
    while (av_read_frame(fmt_ctx, &pkt) >= 0) {
        // check if the packet belongs to a stream we are interested in, otherwise
        // skip it
        //分别对视频packet 和音频packet进行处理. 根据就是我们之前得到的音视频流的索引.
        if (pkt.stream_index == video_stream_idx)
            ret = decode_packet(video_dec_ctx, &pkt);
        else if (pkt.stream_index == audio_stream_idx)
            ret = decode_packet(audio_dec_ctx, &pkt);
        //处理完后释放这个packet .以便于下次再进行av_read_frame.
        if (ret < 0)

    //刷新音视频解码器中的packet. 这个操作在几个sample里都有.
    /* flush the decoders */
    if (video_dec_ctx)
        decode_packet(video_dec_ctx, NULL);
    if (audio_dec_ctx)
        decode_packet(audio_dec_ctx, NULL);

    printf("Demuxing succeeded.\n");

    if (video_stream) {//打印视频数据和视频的播放格式 这时的视频已经是没有编码过的原生数据
        printf("Play the output video file with the command:\n"
               "ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt %s -video_size %dx%d %s\n",
               av_get_pix_fmt_name(pix_fmt), width, height,

    if (audio_stream) {
        enum AVSampleFormat sfmt = audio_dec_ctx->sample_fmt;
        int n_channels = audio_dec_ctx->channels;
        const char *fmt;

        if (av_sample_fmt_is_planar(sfmt)) {
            const char *packed = av_get_sample_fmt_name(sfmt);
            printf("Warning: the sample format the decoder produced is planar "//音频是平面的,只播放第一个通道
                   "(%s). This example will output the first channel only.\n",
                   packed ? packed : "?");
            sfmt = av_get_packed_sample_fmt(sfmt);
            n_channels = 1;

        //通过 sfmt 格式确定 fmt 的内容
        if ((ret = get_format_from_sample_fmt(&fmt, sfmt)) < 0)
            goto end;

        printf("Play the output audio file with the command:\n"
               "ffplay -f %s -ac %d -ar %d %s\n",
               fmt, n_channels, audio_dec_ctx->sample_rate,

    if (video_dst_file)
    if (audio_dst_file)

    return ret < 0;


