昨天刚刚好听了美国总统Donald Trump的走向成功的十条规则。其中有一条规则就是不要为了钱而去工作。他所出的第一本书《做生意的艺术》以这句话开头,许多人都很疑惑,一个生意人难道不是为了钱而去工作吗?但是Donald Trump说,我所做的一切工作并不是为了钱,而是因为热爱。我爱我的工作,我能够赚钱,恰恰是因为我不以赚钱为目的。如果我单单以赚钱为目的的话,就不会有现在这样的成功。我记得Donald Trump还曾经说过,没有什么事情我们不能做到,如果我们带着热情、使命努力去做。Donald Trump的例子告诉我们,只有当你带着使命和激情去工作的时候,当你热爱你所做的事情的时候,当你把它做到极致的时候,你就成功了。Steve Jobs在他的演讲中也提到他在被Apple解雇后,重新创立了几家公司,成功到APPLE想收购他的新公司,因此他能重返Apple。在致命的打击后,他能重新获得成功,是因为他内心的热爱让他重头开始,因为他的激情让他不放弃,重新走向成功。
做你所爱,爱你所做(中英双语) 做你所爱,爱你所做(中英双语)你目前所做的工作是你所热爱的吗?如果不是,至少你可以去爱上你的工作,这样你才能在事业上有更大的突破和成就。如果你目前正做着你所热爱的,带着激情和使命,那么恭喜你,有一天你可能要改变世界。
Do what you love and love what you do
It is mentioned in the book A MANIFESTO FOR THE SPIRITUAL WEALTH MOVEMENT that vision is a goal with passion which can make positive impact on the society. Real millionairs have their own visions with passion. Passion, goal and vision are three facilitators for the real millionairs. When you love what you do, your work is not going to be just work, that's gonna be passion and tremendous delight. Real millionairs love the things they are doing, and they will be able to change the world in the future.
Yesterday I happened to listen to a programme called Donald Trump's 10 rules for success. The No. 2 rule is Don't do it for money. His first book THE ART OF THE DEAL starts with this sentence. Many people find it hard to understand, because he is a businessman, everything he does should be money-oriented. However, Donald Trump said, everything I do is not just for money, but love. I love what I do, I make money because I don't do it for money. If I did it for money alone, I wouldn't be so successful. And I still remember another sentence that Donald Trump once said, there is nothing that we can't accomplish, if we marry vision, and passion with an enduring work ethic. Donald Trump's example tells us When you work with passion and vision, you love what you do, and keep doing it until you can do it perfectly, you will definitely be successful one day. Steve Jobs also mentioned in his speech that he was fired from Apple, but he established two more companies which are very successful. Later Apple wanted to buy one of his new company, and he was able to return to Apple. To be dismissed from Apple had been devastating for him, however, he became flourishing again because he loved what he's doing. It's the love and passion that led to his thriving again.
Are you doing the work you love? If not, you had better try to fall in love with it, that will result in greater achievements in your career. If you are lucky enough that you are doing what you love, do it with passion and vision, then one day the world may be changed because of you!