
Mint Readers: King Arthur and Hi

2019-08-02  本文已影响6人  豹豹君



Mint Readers: King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table (旧笔记复习)

图片来百词斩商城,长这样,分类是阅读第4级别,也是在斩家买的第一本书。(当时的封面不长这个样。)个人还是很喜欢他家的书和文具的。但不大喜欢mint reading活动,嫌弃进度太慢,但是书还是可以一读,后期的书和原版差距不大,胜在排版和印刷,读起来真的是赏心悦目,真实体验。但是书有点沉,价格不算贵也不算便宜。总体还是不错的。

本书一共五章,算是删减版,用词都不难。选了几个故事,毕竟有12个骑士(代表),以前知道的也就是首席兰斯洛特和王后跑了,后来读了这本书发现还有其他趣事,也都是很著名的几个。开头的介绍就是King Arthur和石中剑,包括圆桌骑士受亚瑟王托付请教女巫“女人最渴望什么?”等等。时间太久远,忘记了。



Introduction : King Arthur’s World

Britons 英国人

1. What they wanted most was to die young in battle, with a sword in their hand.

2. They started to wonder whether this island was really worth fighting so hard for.

3. It was at around this time that Arthur was born.

4. A ‘squire’(旧时骑士的扈从) was the man ,or boy, who took care of a knight’s horse and his weapons.

5. They had only agreed to look after him as a favor, to the great wizard, Merlin ,who had brought Arthur as a boy.

6. Some were books written by the Greeks, about how a city or country should best be organized and governed.

7. King Uther 尤瑟王,传说中亚瑟王的爹

8. It looked as if there was going to be a bloody battle to see who would be the next King.

9. So Merlin called a meeting of all the important people in the country to decide how they should choose their King .

10. Whoever can pull this sword out of this stone is the true King.

11. Archbishop 大主教

12. If you lied with your hand on a Bible , you went to Hell.

13. On one condition

14. Are you so stupid as to think that your enemies today will always be your enemies.

15. It was a good thing that Arthur had listened to Merlin, because neither his army , nor the army of the eleven kings ,could have done it without the other’s help.

16. But I am wise enough to know that once a young man set his heart on a woman, no old man’s advice is going to change his mind.

hot-blooded 情感强烈的 血气方刚的

wanderer 漫游者 流浪者

Girdle 女子的紧身搭

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

1.Then came glorious spring with its bright colors, birds, and butterflies. Then summer’s greenness and growth , and the falling leaves of autumn .When the cold wind of winter came around once more.

2.Worse than the wild animals were the winter winds.

3.There followed three days of dancing and drinking, fun and feasting.

4.Sleep in  早上睡懒觉

5.You are tired, and have travelled far.

6.You have another lover, and have promised your heart to her. Tell me ,is it not true?

7.I am here on a strange errand.

8.Then Gawain went to the priest, and confessed all his sins.

9.The next day, the weather was wild and wet, and a strong, cold wind was blowing.

10.As he stepped outside, a cold wind took his breath away. The Lord had sent a servant to guide him. Together they went through wind and snow, past high rocks and across fast-running rivers. When they were high up a mountain, the snow lying white all around them.

11.So if you wish to live, go now- and I promise you, I will never say a word of this to anyone.

12.But I cannot live without my honour.

13.With his heart in his mouth, Gawain called out, ‘Who waits for me? I am here, come now, or never again.’

14.You will not die a coward.

18.This time the ax cut into Gawain’s flesh, and when he looked down and saw his own blood on the ground, he thought he must be dying. But after a while he realized that apart from having lost some blood, he was not seriously hurt.

16.In a kinder voice,...

17.Cowardice and greed are my greatest enemies, and they have beaten me. 懦弱

18.Hiding the truth always gets one into trouble.  不要撒谎

19.Whenever I wear it, I will let go of my pride and remember how easy it is for me to go wrong.

20.They parted there and then.

Sir Gareth, the Kitchen Knight

1. had no hope for him 对他不抱戏了

2. I fell his death cannot be far away, since inside he is practically dead already.

3. Do not thank me yet,  I have a condition.

4. Gareth set out for Arthur’s Court on foot, dressed as a farm boy ,and was many weeks on the road.

5. Well-built 体格健美的

6. I am ashamed to treat you so meanly, please, ask for something better.

7. With greatest respect, King. I have already asked for what I want.

8. The other kitchen boys had rough , cracked hands, because they had been doing kitchen work ever since they were very young.

9. His face and hands became black with the kitchen smoke; his clothes became dirty and greasy from sleeping on the kitchen floor.

10. You write people off too quickly. Write sb. off 认为某人不行

11. I want to be made a knight. 我想做骑士

12. On my honour

13. Just like a parrot can learn to talk like its owner.

14. I owe you a great debt.

15. It seems we must travel together , as animals of different kinds are forced together by a fire or a flood, and live for a while in peace with their enemies.

16. Worn-out 破烂不堪的

17. Gareth was becoming tired, and his heart turned cold within him. He started to feel that he would never, ever be able to finally beat this man. He felt like someone  who decides to give up a bad habit, imagining that it will be easy ,but finds that the habit will never let him go.

18. Discouraged 灰心丧气的

19. I am glad that you are whole and alive, and that you have won in all your other battles.

20. This man never tried to make a fool for me- I only made a fool of myself.

21. I curse the tongue that spoke to you so rudely yesterday.

22. And so the last fight, the one they had been most afraid of , was the easiest of them all.

The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Lady Ragnell

1. You must tell me what it is that women want the most.

2. So Arthur knew he had to go back even if it cost him his life.

3. Tournament 不仅仅指锦标赛 还指古时候的马上比武(中世纪的军事运动)

4. Sir , ever since we came back from hunting in the woods, you have had something on your mind. If you tell me what it is, perhaps I can help you.

5. What we want the most is to be able to make our own decisions. Even if a man is strong and powerful and can rule over the whole world. There is one person he should not try to rule over- his wife ,or his lover. 真的是很有智慧啊

6. Ready to do as I have promised.

7. Then Sir Gawain made his marriage promises to her, promising to be with her and only her until Death parted the two of them.

8. He behaved in every way as a loving husband should.

9. Gawain tore her clothes off and made passionate love to her, again and again.

10. She was looking at him with great love, but also with a little fear, and she was trying very hard not to cry.

11. But you are the King, and you cannot let your  feelings affect  your decisions.

Geraint and Enid

1. Earldom 伯爵爵位

2. Swamp 沼泽,湿地

3. Single- handed 单枪匹马地

4. They were saying that he had gone soft, and was no longer a real man.

5. Enid woke with the sunrise ,and looked sown on her sleeping husband.

6. Help him to right all the wrongs in this world.

7. My wife has been unfaithful to me.

8. He felt as if a long spear had been driven straight through his heart.

9. Don’t argue- do as I say.

10. From the town itself came a loud, confused noise of shouting , arguing ,laughing and hammering.

11. I am looking for somewhere to stay the night, and everywhere in town is full.

12. I and my family are poor now, but not so poor that we cannot help a stranger in need.

13. There was grass between the stones, and many of the walls and towers had fallen ,or looked as if they were just about to.

14. Geraint could not take his eyes off her. He could hardly stop himself from reaching out and kissing her.

15. Cobweb 蜘蛛网

16. Once and for all 彻底地

17. Humans are such strange , miserable creatures! Nature already gives every one of us plenty of suffering. Then we create more suffering for ourselves by confusing the true and the false.

18. The risk is small, and the prize is big.

19. No meal could be better than the one we just ate- hunger us the best sauce.

20. He may not have been a very good man, but he was certainly a very good talker.

21. I know how men are. One day they fall in love with a woman, and the next day their love has gone, never to return.

22. What good will crying for him do ? 哭有么子用

23. I am trying to be kind to you , and as polite as I know how to be.

24. Dictator 独裁者

25. I have let things go too much.


1. Rome empire 罗马帝国 (公元前27-公元395),古罗马文明由共和时代进入帝国时代之后的一个阶段,理论上是维持元老院主持的共和制,实际大权移交皇帝独裁的政体。

2. Cameliard  卡米利亚德 皇后桂妮薇儿父王的领地

3. Halloween 是All Hallows’ Eve 的缩写 每年的10月31

4. Camelot 卡美洛 亚瑟王时代的政治中心 一座坚不可摧和不容魔法侵犯的圣城

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