
2020-03-24  本文已影响0人  Hi设计


加利福尼亚州是 Vans 的故乡,自从 1966 年成立以来,Vans 就没有离开过加州洛杉矶。2020 年2月,Vans 在洛杉矶市中心的全新旗舰店就此开业,与传统的零售店铺不同,这是 Vans 首家社区驱动型店铺,同时兼顾了活动空间的需求。

Vans opens its first community-driven retail and event space in Downtown Los Angeles.

The 11,500 square feet space pays homage to Los Angeles’ deep skateboarding roots and thriving art community over two floors featuring work from a number of local makers, a wide range of Vans footwear, apparel and accessories, and a dedicated community experience studio.

Vans DTLA位于百老汇808号,Vans DTLA 展出了一幅由洛杉矶艺术家 Geoff McFetridge 创作的壁画,他用他标志性的多彩、极简风格作品装饰了这座建筑的砖墙。店内还有传奇滑手 Mike O’Meally、Ray Barbee、Tino Razo 和 Anthony Acosta 的作品或照片,大气照片进一步凸显了洛杉矶在滑板文化中的重要性。该空间还展示了当地代表性的画家朱利安·贝瑟(Julien Besser)的作品。
Located at 808 S. Broadway, Vans DTLA features a mural from LA-based artist and designer Geoff McFetridge, who accentuated the raw brick and concrete walls of the building with his signature colorful, minimalist work. Atmospheric photos by skate legends Mike O’Meally, Ray Barbee, Tino Razo and Anthony Acosta further highlight LA’s importance in skate culture. The space also showcases work by local sign painter Julien Besser.

“我们在洛杉矶市中心店铺的开业标志着 Vans 的一个全新章节的开启,我们会继续围绕社区交流和用户体验两大重点,以此履行我们的使命和承诺,” Vans 美国地区市场部副总裁 Carly Gomez 说道, “洛杉矶市中心有着丰富的滑板文化和自由艺术历史。我们不仅有广阔的空间,还将推出 Studio808 这一位于店铺二楼的工作室,它可以让社区成员通过工坊、展览等形式分享他们的创意能量。”
“Our Downtown LA store opening signifies a new Vans chapter as we continue our mission and commitment to being community and experience focused,” said Carly Gomez, VP of Marketing, Americas at Vans. “Downtown LA has a rich history of skate culture and artistic freedom. Not only will we be opening our doors to the new space, but we will introduce Studio808, located on the second floor of the new store where the community can share their creative energy through workshops, exhibitions and more.”

为了进一步实现Vans对洛杉矶滑板运动支持的承诺,Vans DTLA商店设有专门的滑板店,内有来自洛杉矶的品牌如Alva,Baker,Girl和WKND的尖货,以及全套Vans Pro Skate鞋类和服装。由DTLA画廊和商店THESE DAYS策展的精选出版物进一步完善了零售产品,使顾客可以对当地文化有更深入的了解。
Furthering Vans commitment to LA skateboarding, the Vans DTLA store features a dedicated skate shop within the space that stocks hard goods from Los Angeles-based brands like Alva, Baker, Girl, and WKND alongside the full collection of Vans Pro Skate footwear and apparel. A selection of publications curated by DTLA gallery and store THESE DAYS rounds out the retail offering and gives customers a deeper look into local culture.

Vans DTLA的二楼是Studio808的所在地,Studio808是由社区驱动的画廊,休息室和工作室,与生活方式杂志《 Monster Children》合作创建。该工作室将成为消费者和创意者的中心枢纽,旨在回馈当地社区。Studio808免费提供动手的艺术和设计工作室,其最终目的是建立一个教育平台,以提高社区服务不足的成员的水平。
The second floor of Vans DTLA is home to Studio808, a community-driven gallery, lounge and workshop space, created in partnership with lifestyle magazine Monster Children. The studio will serve as a central hub for consumers and creatives with the goal of giving back to the local community. Offering hands-on art and design workshops, free of charge, Studio808’s ultimate aim is to build a platform for education to uplift underserved members of the community.

从 2020 年 3 月 12 日开始,Vans 会在官网上提前公布每月的活动计划,将会包括创意工坊、讲座、艺术展览等等。
The Vans DTLA community-led retail store is open now and will offer monthly programming including workshops, talks, and art exhibitions beginning March 12, 2020. Visit for more information.

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