(三)人们的想法不会因为事实而改变 2019-05-18

2019-05-18  本文已影响0人  缘起比尔哥
Give the mind an out 保持头脑清醒

We’re reluctant to acknowledge mistakes. To avoid admitting we were wrong, we’ll twist ourselves into positions that even seasoned yogis can’t hold.


The key is to trick the mind by giving it an excuse. Convince your own mind (or your friend) that your prior decision or prior belief was the right one given what you knew, but now that the underlying facts have changed, so should the mind.


But instead of giving the mind an out, we often go for a punch to the gut. We belittle the other person (“I told you so”). We ostracize (“Basket of deplorables”). We ridicule (“What an idiot”).


Schadenfreude might be your favorite pastime, but it has the counter productive effect of activating the other person’s defenses and solidifying their positions. The moment you belittle the mind for believing in something, you’ve lost the battle. At that point, the mind will dig in rather than give in. Once you’ve equated someone’s beliefs with idiocracy, changing that person’s mind will require nothing short of an admission that they are unintelligent. And that’s an admission that most minds aren’t willing to make.


Democrats in the United States are already falling into this trap. They’re not going to win the 2020 presidential elections by convincing Donald Trump supporters that they were wrong to vote for him last November or that they’re responsible for his failures in office. Instead, as author and psychology professor Robert Cialdini explains, Democrats must offer Trump supporters a way to get out of their prior commitment while saving face: “Well, of course you were in a position to make that decision in November because no one knew about X.”

美国的民主党人已经陷入了这个陷进。他们无法说服特朗普的支持者,让他们相信去年11月投票给特朗普是错误的,或者他们要为特朗普在总统任期内的失败负责,从而赢得2020年的总统大选。相反,正如作家兼心理学家Robert Cialdini所说的那样,民主党人必须为特朗普的支持者提供一种方法,让他们在挽回面子的同时摆脱之前的承诺:“当然,你可以在11月做出这个决定,因为没有人知道原因。”

Colombians adopted a similar strategy in the 1950s when the Rojas dictatorship collapsed. As I explain in my forthcoming book, although the Colombian military was complicit in the abuses of the Rojas regime, civilians deftly avoided pointing any fingers at the military. Instead, they managed to march the military back to the barracks with its dignity intact. They recognized that they would need the military’s cooperation both during the transition process and in its after math. So they offered an alternative narrative for public consumption that uncoupled the armed forces from the Rojasregime. In this narrative, which the military leaders found much easier to swallow, it was the “presidential family” and a few corrupt civilians close to Rojas - not military officers - who were responsible for the regime’s excesses. Were they to take a different approach, a military dictatorship - not democracy - may have resulted.


“The moment you belittle the mind for believing in something, you’ve lost the battle.”



