Exact data types fit within a finite range of numbers.
adjective /'faɪnaɪt/
having an end or a limit. OPP infinite.
having limits.
having a definite limit or fixed size.
having a limit or end.
existing only in limited numbers or amounts, or continuing only for a limited time or distance.
Something that is finite has a definite fixed size or extent.
the Earth’s finite resources.
a finite number of possibilities.
having a limited nature.
the earth's finite supply of natural resources.
the finite human life span.
a finite number of possibilities.
The world's resources are finite.
The funds available for the health service are finite and we cannot afford to waste money.
We only have a finite amount of time to complete this task - we can't continue indefinitely.
The world’s finite resources must be used wisely.
a finite set of elements.
Only a finite number of situations can arise /ə'raɪz/.
The fossil/'fɑsl/ fuels (coal and oil) are finite resources.
a finite verb form shows a particular time. ‘Am’, ‘was’, and ‘are’ are examples of finite verb forms, but ‘being’ and ‘been’ are not OPP non-finite.
of or relating to a verb form that shows action that takes place at a particular time (such as the past).
a finite verb form or clause shows a particular tense, person and number.
in a form that shows the tense and subject of a verb, rather than the infinitive form or a participle.
a finite verb is a form of a verb that matches the form of other words in a sentence.
A finite clause is a clause based on a verb group which indicates tense, such as `went', `is waiting', or `will be found', rather than on an infinitive or a participle. Compare non-finite.
a finite verb such as “is” or “are”
‘Am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’ and ‘were’ are the finite forms of ‘be’; ‘being’, and ‘been’ are the non-finite forms.
In the following sentence 'go' is finite: "I often go to the cinema."
finitely adv