
2016-07-06  本文已影响9人  橡果

在采样实例k = 1时的操作条件是:PV = 800且OP = 90。如例1中的计算一样,我们得到下列值:

|k |PV| SP |OP| dSPdV| IntCalcSPLo |IntCalcSPHi| CalcSPLo| CalcSPHi|
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
|1| 800| 1000|90|15|-300|900| 500 |900|
|2| 800| 900 |90|15|-350|850| 500| 850|
|3| 800| 850| 90|15|-375|825| 500| 825|
|4| 800| 825| 90|15|-388|813| 500| 813|
|5| 800 |813|90|15|-394|806| 500| 806|
|6| 800| 806| 90|15|-397|803| 500| 803|
|7| 800| 806| 90|15|-398|802| 500| 802|
|8| 800 |802|90|15|-399|801| 500 |801|
这些值呈现了dSPdV计算是如何利用(SP+PV)/2动力参数来调整可实现的CalcSPHi限,以将SP带到当前PV。此外,注意IntCalcSPLo限都小于值为500的SPLo限。这意味着传递到SMOCPro内核的值中,IntCalcSPHi = CalcSPHi限,CalcSPLo = SPLo 限= 500。下图2显示了控制器执行的进展,以及SP是如何缓慢达到饱和PV值的。

Figure 2. Simulation showing how the dSPdV calculation brings an SP to a saturated PV by adjusting the achievable CalcSPHi limit. 图2:dSPdV计算通过调整可达到CalcSPHi限将SP带至饱和PV的仿真图。
接着我们来考虑初始OP值位于OPLo/Hi限以外的情况。这种场景用于说明在控制器中指定一个保守Max Move Size的好处。

|低限 |高限|
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
|OPLo = 10| OPHi = 80|
|SPLo = 500| SPHi = 1000|
|dSPdVLo = 10 |dSPdVHi = 28|
PV = 1100, OP = 100 and SP = SPHi = 1000

| k | PV| SP | OP| dSPdV| IntCalcSPLo| IntCalcSPHi| CalcSPLo| CalcSPHi|
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
| 1 | 1100| 1000| 100 | 28 | -1470| 490 | 500 | 500|
首先,假设此MV的Max Move Size被指定为大于600。同时,在本例中的两种呈现情景下,两者的在本实施例呈现的情况下,我们假设基本层控制器在一次SMOCPro执行时即将PV带回到SP。

| k| PV| SP | OP| dSPdV | IntCalcSPLo | IntCalcSPHi | CalcSPLo | CalcSPHi|
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
| 2| 500| 500| 10| 10| 500 | 1200| 500| 1000|

The current operating conditions at sampling instance k = 1 are: PV = 800 and OP = 90. Following the calculations as in Example 1, we arrive at the following values:
These values show how the dSPdV calculation adjusts the achievable CalcSPHi limit to bring the SP to the current PV by utilizing the (SP+PV)/2 driving force parameter. Also, notice how the IntCalcSPLo limits are all lower than the SPLo limit of 500. This means that the values that get passed to the SMOCPro kernel are the IntCalcSPHi = CalcSPHi limit and CalcSPLo = SPLo = 500 limit. Figure 2 below shows the progression of the controller executions and how the SP is slowly brought to the saturated PV value.
Example 3. OP starting outside its OP limits.
Next, consider the case when the initial OP value lies outside the OPLo/Hi limits. This scenario serves to point out the benefits of specifying a conservative Max Move Size in the controller.
The process under consideration has the following characteristics:
Low Limits High Limits
OPLo = 10 OPHi = 80
SPLo = 500 SPHi = 1000
dSPdVLo = 10 dSPdVHi = 28
Consider a scenario where the process is being controlled near SPHi and suddently a disturbance hits the plant pushing the PV measurement past the SPHi limit. Let the starting operating point for the scenario be:
PV = 1100, OP = 100 and SP = SPHi = 1000
Performing the calculations from equations (1a-b) and (2a-b) yields:
First, assume that the Max Move Size for this MV has been specified to be greater than 600. Next, in both of the cases presented in this example we assume that the base layer controller brings the PV to its SP in one SMOCPro execution.
From the calculation we see that the CalcSPLo is not a problem since we never violate the DCS limit. However, the CalcSPHi limit has now been clamped to the SPLo limit as well. This will cause the controller to clamp the SP, which in turn can affect how other SPs are calculated since the OP will now be driven to its OPLo limit. After one controller execution we the step becomes:
Here we see that the limit has been relaxed again. However, the clamping of the OP from fully open to fully close is definitely not the desired behavior.


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