The spiritless practice
“But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things took place.” Luke24:21
The disciples were right for what they said, but the conclusions they got were wrong. All things making the spirit dispirited must be wrong. Anguish and dismay are coming, which are our own creation, not to complain. The feeling down has two reasons including the satisfactions of personal selfish desire and dissatisfaction the selfish desire. The sexual passion means that they must get it now. The Spiritual desire is that we are hurried to want God answering our promise, not to look for the God granting the answer. I know how God does some great things. If we count the days to wait for God’s answer fretfully, we tend to think that we have reason to be dejected, and even we started to blame God. In this way, we will disobey God’s will. When we pray, we must grasp God tightly, not to grasp the prayer’s promise. If a person has a health body, he never feels dismay. The dismay is the symptoms of illness like the spiritual life. The spiritual dismay is wrong; we need to blame ourselves.
We also expected that we can see some visions from sky. We can look for God’s energy from the earthquake and thunder, but let us surprise that God only loves some ordinary things among us. So long as we follow God’s rule to take responsibility, we must see God. Christ Jesus’s holiness is shown from the ordinary things. At once we understand this, we can know the Lord deeply.