Thinking, Fast and Slow-Ch10-11:
阅读进度:CH 10&11
Ch 10: The law of small numbers
我们的大脑,尤其是系统 1 更喜欢识别事物之间的因果联系。对于统计数字是极度不敏感的。
The law of small numbers — 小数定律(样本效应)
这是普遍性偏见的一种表现,即对事物的信任多于质疑,因为我们的系统 1 不喜欢质疑,反而会抑制不确定信息,尽量想让信息保持连贯。
We are pattern seekers, believers in a coherent world, in which regularities appear not by accident but as a result of mechanical causality or of someone’s intention.
hot-hand effect — 热手效应
来源于篮球运动,如果比赛时某个球员连续进球三四个,其他队员会认为他 “手感好”,下次进攻还会选择让他投篮,但他不一定会投中。因为事实上进球和不进球都是随机的,只是系统 1 过快对眼前所见现象做出评判,感知不到随机事件中的顺序和结果没有因果关系。The hot hand is entirely in the eye of the beholders, who are consistently too quick to perceive oder and causality in randomness. The hot hand is a massive and widespread cognitive illusion.
Ch 11:Anchors
anchoring effect — 锚定效应
Any number that you are asked to consider as a possible solution to an estimation problem will induce an anchoring effect.
大脑在做判断时,很容易受到之前看到的信息(或数字)的影响,这个信息就像是沉到海底的 “锚”,我们会以此为基准,在一定范围内做出判断,但这种判断往往会导致决策偏差。
- 因系统 1 的启动效应而产生的锚定,比如一些闭合性问题中的 “暗示”(there is anchoring that occurs by a priming effect, an automatic manifestation of system 1.)
- 系统 2 对锚定值的调整不足(occurs in a deliberate process of adjustment, an operation of system 2.)
CH 10
We explained, Tongue-in-cheek, that “intuitions about random sampling appear to satisfy the law of small numbers, which asserts that the law of large numbers applies to small numbers as well.”
tongue-in-cheek,作为形容词,表示 “半开玩笑的,不认真的”,in a way that is not serious and that is meant to be funny;注意副词形式为:tongue in cheek.
例句:I love that kind of tongue-in-cheek wit.(adj)
例句:The whole interview was done tongue in cheek.(adv)
CH 11
After all, it is not surprising that people who are asked difficult questions clutch at straws, and the anchor is a plausible straw.
clutch/grasp at straws,表示 “抓住救命稻草,作垂死挣扎”,to try to find anything at all that will help you or give you hope in a difficult situation, when it is likely that you will find nothing.
例句: I asked her for a loan. I didn't think she'd agree, but at that point I was grasping at straws.
plausible,表示 “貌似合理的,貌似可信的,花言巧语的”, reasonable and likely to be true or successful,反义是 implausible;
例句:I thought her explanation was perfectly/entirely/completely plausible. [=I believed her explanation]