18-11-05 保蕾极品课-第17周-老外眼里的互联网中国 复
1. is something I cannot live without. 不可或缺
2. millennials 千禧一代/general Z 90后
3. household name 家喻户晓的名字
4. 两个双重否定:没有……就……
(1)hardly function without 没有了……就活不下去
例句:I can hardly function my daily life without Internet.
(2)is sth I cannot live without.
Internet is something I cannot live without.
5. biggest rival 最大的对手
6. quirky founder 古怪的创始人
7. instrumental 具有推助力的,有帮助作用的(一个东西作为工具好用/推动什么进步)
8. as much as(it is within China) 不如(在国内那么风靡/那么为人所知)
9. shipping company 邮寄公司 / free shipping 免邮
10. opening-up and reform 改革开放
11. backsliding 滑坡,下滑,衰退
12. yes we have:yes表示是,没有,是有这个没错,之后肯定有but
13. prism 三棱镜
14. private sector 私企 / SOE(state-owned enterprises) 国企
15. would have evolved
1)would have done 最常见的虚拟语气
h被击穿不读 a变成e:would've evolved
2)should have done 本该做,实际没有做,与现实情况相反
3)could have done We could have been married. 实际没有在一起。
could should would 事后诸葛亮
16. drive sb forward 推动某人前行
17. multinational 外企
18. tripartite 三足鼎立,三个势力
19. epicenter 中心
20. the rise of 崛起
21. stare from scratch / stare from nothing / self-made 从零开始的人,富一代,靠自己创业,草根
22. grit 人的骨气、勇气 take on the challenge 即便知道难还迎难而上的品质
23. connect 可以表示联系、人脉、走后门
somebody is well connected 交友甚广的
political connected 与政界有人脉的
24. returnee 海归
25. privileged 受优待的
26. carpet / side hustle / on the side 副业
27. make ends meet 一进一出 = live within means 收支平衡,勉强度日
live above your means 入不敷出
28. get by 勉强度日
29. pay the bills 付账单
30. introduce A to B 让A认识B
31. take pains to 某人特地怎样,竭尽全力怎么着
= go out of one's way to do/ try his best to/spare on effort to do
32. by natural 打心底 at his heart
33. SME 中小型企业
34. start out 一开始做
35. bulk大量的,批量的
36. wholesaler 批发商
37. manufacturer 制造商
(2)feynman technique