The Willpower Instinct - chapter 2 your body was born to resist cheesecake
If you read purposefully, you will find no solutions to your problems. If you read everyday, you will be cured randomly. You never know how to handle your issues or stress unless you read every day.
I was in stress over 1 month. In the last 30 days, I was constantly ill and depressed for my job. And I have on idea how to relax. And I thought about giving up reading this book - the Willpower Instinct, but I finally found how useful it is for me at the moment.
In this chapter, the author proves the importance of slowing down. Taking a 5-minute deep breath (inhale and exhale slowly), starting to exercise, napping sometimes are helpful methods to restore energy.
When you’re tired, your cells have trouble absorbing glucose from the bloodstream. This leaves them underfueled, and you exhausted. Within your body and brain desperate for energy, you’ll start to crave sweets or caffeine.
I can’t sleep well during the last 2 weeks because I had stopped drinking milk every day. Milk-drinking helps me sleep well without nightmares since I went to high school. That’s been 10 years. Still I dislike the smell of milk and want to give up drinking it all the time. But I do need it. So I will keep it to store my energy.
When you are chronically stressed, your body continues to divert energy from long-term needs such as digestion, reproduction, healing injuries, and fighting off illnesses to respond to the constant stream of apparent emergencies. This is how chronic stress can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic back pain, infertility, or getting every cold and flu that come around.
I have experienced those and will continue to have more stress. Therefore this chapter does help me to find a better way to balance myself. Thank for reading.