动态规划(dynamic programming)

2018-08-28  本文已影响0人  golfgang

动态规划(dynamic programming):
DP='careful bruteforce'
DP=memoize + bottom up + recursive

1) naive recursive algorithm

def fib(n):
  if n <= 2:f = 1
  else:f = fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
  return f

Q:good or not?
A:O()=exponential time

2) memoize + recursive DP algorithm

def fib(n):
  if n in memo:return memo[n]
  if n <= 2: f = 1
  else: f = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
  memo[n] = f
  return f

recursion tree:在naive recursive算法中,相同的位置上的数字要计算很多次,比如Fn-3需要进行三次运算,Fn-2的计算又复出现在了Fn-1的下面,重复计算的太多.DP算法则牺牲空间换速度,建立一个DP table来减少重复的计算.

recursion tree
3) bottom up DP algorithm
fib = []
for k in range(1,n+1):
  if k <= 2: f = 1
  else: f = fib[k-1] + fib[k-2]
  fib[k] = f
return fib[n]

bottom up exactly do the same computation as memoize + recursive
if don't need to compute, calling the value from the table need 1 operation, taking value from fib(1) to fib(n) take n times,time = O(n)

最短路径: \delta(s,v), \forall v
to solve: try all the guesses(take the best one)
solution: subproblem->\delta(u,v)...\delta(s,v)

basic idea

problem: need to compute the \delta(s,v) over and over again, the time would be infinite time because the graph is cycle

cyclic graph
to solve the problem: using DP, it is also bellman-ford algorithm

five easy steps to DP:

  1. define subproblems
  2. guess(part of solutions)
  3. relate subproblems and solutions(always using recursion)
  4. recurse/memoize/bottom up
  5. solve the original problem

Suppose that we want to play Blackjack against a dealer (with no other players). Suppose, in addition, that we have x-ray vision that allows us to see the entire deck (c0, c1, ..., cn−1). As in a casino, the dealer will use a fixed strategy that we know ahead of time (stand-on-17), and that we allowed to make $1 bets (so with each round, we can either win $1, lose $1, or tie and make no profits and no losses). How do we maximize our winnings in this game? When should we hit or stand?


Python Code:

import random

pokes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]*4

def cmp(a, b):
    if a > b:
        return 1
    elif a < b:
        return -1
    return 0

def bj(i, cards, options):  # 一次游戏,当前牌顶的牌为cards[i]
    suboptions = []
    n = len(cards[i:])
    if n < 4:
        return 0
    for p in range(2, n - 1):  # guess
        # player 拿牌阶段,第一张和第三张是他的,然后还可以拿第3张到第i+p+2张(choices)
        # player 拿的牌的组合可能性有2 ~ n-2张(-2是因为有两张牌在dealer手中)
        player = cards[i] + cards[i + 2] + sum(cards[i + 4:i + p + 2])
        if player > 21:
            # boom  player爆了直接下一场游戏
            options.append(-1 + bj(i + p + 2, cards, suboptions))  # 本场游戏输一块,开始下一场
        dealer = 0
        cur = 0
        for d in range(2, n - p+1):
            cur = d
            # dealer 拿牌阶段,第二张和第四张是他的,然后在player拿完牌后,还可以拿第i+p+3张到i+p+d张(choices)
            dealer = cards[i + 1] + cards[i + 3] + sum(cards[i + p + 2:i + p + d])
            if dealer >= 17:
                break  # stand
        if dealer > 21:
            dealer = 0
        options.append(cmp(player, dealer) + bj(i + p + cur, cards, suboptions))
    return max(options)

print(bj(0, pokes, []))


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