TED Day 67: How to motivate your

2021-09-03  本文已影响0人  晚风过境

Day 67 

Tali Sharot: How to motivate yourself to change your behavior

How to Motivate yourself_腾讯视频




boomerang  effect (backfire effect)  [ˈbuːməræŋ]

In social psychology, the boomerang effect refers to the unintended consequences of an attempt to persuade resulting in the adoption of an opposing position instead.

routs [raʊts] 

1. noun. a disorderly retreat of defeated troops.

2. verb. defeat and cause to retreat in disorder.

a rosy view &  a bleak view 

 Rosy adjective – Having qualities which inspire hope.

Bleak adjective – Causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer.



- Why are we resistant to warnings?

If you think about animals, when you induce fear in an animal, the most common response you will see is freezing or fleeing; fighting, not as much. And so, humans are the same. So if something scares us, we tend to shut down and we try to eliminate the negative feelings. So, we might use rationalizations.

- Three principles that we know really drive your mind and your behavior: social incentives, immediate rewards and progress monitoring.

- If we want to motivate change, we might want to rethink how we do it, because fear, the fear of losing your health, the fear of losing money, induces inaction, while the thrill of a gain induces action. And so, to change behavior in ourselves and in others, we may want to try these positive strategies rather than threats, which really capitalize on the human tendency to seek progress.


